Sweet Surrender

No, He's not safe. But He's good.- C.S. Lewis

"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness..." Matt 4:1 (NLT)

Sweet surrender: is embracing what is both real and what is best. Embracing a life led by the Spirit of God.

What is a wilderness? I loved Louie Giglio's definition that he gave during the "Take the Plunge" series at Passion City Church here in Atlanta: "The Spirit led into the wilderness, the desert, the barrenness, fasting, seeking, being alone with God, wrestling with the plan and getting ready for the future, thinking it through and preparing for what God has for me. Instantly the Spirit led Jesus into the one of the most difficult seasons of His life to prepare Him for what lie ahead."

I am always reminded of this adventure I surrendered to at 18 years old. I received Christ as my Savior at 12 years old, but it wasn't until I was 18 that fully surrendered to the truth that my life is not my own. I was created by and for the glory of God. To make much of Him in my generation. Ever since I stepped my foot into that river there has been no doubt that God is on the move...and MAN it is a ride. But, one you don't want to miss for the world. God can use everything for His glory and our good. I loved Louie's definition of a wilderness because I think we have a tendency to think of a wilderness or desert season as bad thing, something we want to avoid. When in reality even though it may not be easy it has purpose. God's goal in our lives is not make everything easy anyway.Needed to be reminded today and maybe you did to that: "No, Jesus is not safe, but He is good."

Take the Plunge: By Louie Giglio at Passion City Church http://www.passioncitychurch.com/watch/#20110828 


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