Running from Grace

“People rushed out to see what had happened. A crowd soon gathered around Jesus, and they saw the man who had been freed from the demons. He was sitting at Jesus' feet, fully clothed and perfectly sane, and they were all afraid.”- Luke 8:25

It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to just simply curl up with a cup of coffee and my laptop and write. Between working two jobs last spring and school I hardly saw my own family and best friend. Finally summer is here, and I’m down to only one job and two classes and I can breathe. Life doesn’t seem as hectic and I’m settling back into being back home in Atlanta. It’s amazing that it really does take time to readjust to life back home.

The Lord has been teaching me so much, but I haven’t made the time to sit down and share and process it out.

One of the question(s) on my mind lately is this: do we really believe that Jesus redeems, do we (as believers) really believe he fully restores and heals, do we really believe he makes all things (including us) new creations in Christ? Do we really believe that our sins are as far as the east is from the west? Do we really believe that God doesn’t remember our sins anymore—they are on the ocean floor?

I’ve heard is said, “We act out of what we believe.” If that is true than it makes me wonder if we really believe all those things about Jesus or we just say we do—we talk from our head and not our heart. We know that those qualities characterize Jesus, but we have a hard time actually excepting them to be true.

The reason I say that is because I look around at different people I know, and even people I don’t know who have pasts (rough pasts). I don’t mean they lied to their mom or stole a cookie. I mean I look at the people who have pasts they would much rather stay in the dark  out of fear of being judged.

“When they saw he was in his right mind they were afraid”- Lk 8:25

Here this man was, in his right mind, and the people were afraid. Here this man was demon possessed for years, and in one moment, one encounter with Jesus he was healed. You don’t think that it took the people some time to adjust to the fact that this was the same man, now in his right mind, who all of 5-min ago was seized by demons.

I think about Paul and his conversion. He was changed but not everyone was convinced—can you blame them? This man was killing Christians and now here he was claiming to be one?! Can you blame the disciples for shaking in their books somewhat?

Yet, we do the very same thing! When someone has a troubling past and then encounters Jesus and is changed from the inside out by the grace of God, forgive and redeemed, if we have not had a similar past and transformation we have a hard time believing they could really have changed, don’t we?! 

We look at people who have been radically transformed and instead of celebrating their transformation we are afraid--filled with doubt and unbelief. I just find it so strange that we can say we know and believe Jesus redeems, yet we're shocked when he actually does & we have tangible evidence.  

Paul,I’m sure, had some proving to do? It’s not our job as believers to stand back and judge someone, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying, “you can tell by their fruit” if they are truly repentant. It’s not our job to judge whether someone is saved or not, but they  are marks of a true believer and follower of Christ, there are marks of someone who has truly repented.

Jesus is still in the business of healing and restoring! Some healings are a process and some done in an instant.

It makes me sad when I see people who claim to be Christians throw stones at people who have a dark past but yet have come to light in Christ. Jesus doesn’t bring up our pasts over and over again and throw it in our faces—so why do many people who claim to Christians do the very opposite of what Christ would do?

Yes, Jesus convicts, but he never condemns.

“Let your love abound more and more
with knowledge and depth of insight.”- Phil 1:9

Love with eyes wide open…but love!

Jesus still transforms lives. He’s still in the business of restoring, rebuilding and using broken people for His glory!

Moses was a murder
Joseph was thrown in prison (for something he didn’t do)
Jacob manipulated and stole
Rahab was a prostitute
David had an affair
Woman at the Well
Demon Possessed Man
Paul was a murder

The list goes on and on!

We read about these people in Scripture like it’s no big deal, but step into their shoes for a moment. Step into the shoes of the people of those towns for a moment. Those are shocking and scandalous stories of grace!

We have a Savior who is not afraid to get step into our mess and pull us out of the pit. 

I’ve just been super convicted lately at home quickly I say I believe Jesus forgives, restores, and redeems and yet am hesitant when I meet someone who has a past that I have a hard time wrapping my mind around as something that can truly be overcome.

But God reminds me, what is impossible with man is possible with God. Their healing has nothing to do with them; your healing has nothing to do with you; but everything do with God!

I want to be better at seeing people through the eyes of Christ. Eyes of grace, love and compassion. 


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