So Long Insecuirty...

If you are a women you need to take a listen this message from Beth Moore. She is reading from her book "So Long Insecurity." I have read the book, but am about to start the study and I am so pumped and excited about what God is going to do in my life over the next 10 weeks!!!

I recommend the book and study for every women! Lets get on with what God has use here to do, and not be held back by insecurity anymore! I don't care who you are we all have insecurities! Don't believe the lie that you are the only one facing the problems you are facing!

"No temptation has seized you except what is comman to man." -1 Cor 10:13

I remember being around 11 or 12 maybe 13, but I remember sitting in the back of my dad's car and telling him that I think God is going to use the things I go through to help other people. Boy, has that ever come true. I echo Beth Moore that I am a common women, with common problem, looking for common solutions, but while serving an uncommon God! I figure if I have or am presently dealing with something, according to 1 Cor 10:13, I am not the only one. That is why I want to share this with you in hopes that you will take the time to listen!!! I am your fellow not for a second think I have this all down pat, but what I do desire is to run this race with my eyes fixed on my Savior and to do what He has me here to do, and by joe if there is something in my way,like insecurity, I want it gone! Now, I am well aware that we will not achieve perfection while we are still on earth, but that should not stop us from daily seeking and desiring the Lord and asking Him to heal us, and help us to find the security that is only found in Him and is ours in Christ Jesus!! Be blessed!

 One link is to the Audio, and the second is the link to the website and from there you can click on the audio message! I hope you are as blessed as I was to hear this message again!!


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