Coffee, and a windy day thoughts

So this is my thought this morning. As I sat on my porch with my coffee, the wind was blowing, the sun shining and not a cloud in the sky; and it is a cool 68 degrees. These are the days I remember why I like Georgia. This summer I was offley close to packing my things and moving to Chicago...just because I knew it wouldn't be 104 degrees. I have been waiting for weather like this since June. As I sat I began to think….take what I am about to say for what it is….just thoughts.

I hear girls say ALL the time, to let the guy be the pursuer; and I agree. But, when we say we want to be pursued—to what extreme are we thinking. I agree that when it comes to a relationship going to the next level (more than friends’ level…dating…etc) it is the guys job to pursue. But I know some girls that are never the ones to go up and talk to a guy first. There are friends I have that are guys that the way our friendship began was them talking to me first, and some I talked to them first. I think sometimes as girls we put A LOT of conditions of the way a relationship is suppose to happen. I have heard 100 different stories of how people came to be husband and wife or even just friends.

Please, don’t hear we wrong ladies, it is not our job to pursue, but we are not meant to play hard to get either. If there is a boy you think is cute or something and you want to talk to him, go talk to him.He can't read your mind...he doesn't know you want to talk to him. There is nothing wrong with being friendly; if he is meant to get a clue he will. If everyone had the attitude of you need to talk to me first, no one would talk to each other. There is a BIG difference between being friendly and just loving people and being kind and pursuing a romantic relationship with someone.

As I sat on the porch this thought came to mind: we need to just love God and love people. Delight yourself in the Lord and seek first the Kingdom of God. Just love people. If something is meant to be more…it will be. Don’t get to caught up in the whole who called who, who talked to who first stuff. Yes, girls want to be pursued…but if you are not careful ladies, I have done this, sometimes you will start liking someone just because they are pursuing you. If you take the being chased out of the equation would you still like him? That is a question I always ask myself now…if he wasn’t chasing me...would I still like him?

I know that girls, at times we have been manipulative. Some of you may have used the old "I want to be pursued" as a way to see if you could just get the guy. You didn’t really like him you just wanted to see if you could get him to chase you. If we are not careful sometimes our desire to be pursued can turn into pride. We NEED to know our value and worth. We are worth being fought for, if you like a boy, be his friend and pray about it. Trust that if it is meant to be more God will help wisen’ him up and he will pursue you. But again the thought on my heart is “Love God and Love people. Delight yourself in the Lord and seek first the Kingdom of God.”When our eyes are on Jesus, what is meant to happen will happen. We won’t be so concerned with if we should talk to him or he should talk to us first. We will just be loving people, and being friendly and kind. If he is meant to notice you as more than a sister in Christ, he will…trust me!

I don’t want this to sound like I’m telling you to go pursue some guy…PLEASE DON’T HEAR THAT…what I am saying is LOVE GOD AND LOVE PEOPLE!!! If you like someone pray about it, lay it before the Lord. Lay that desire down at the feet of Jesus, and let God take the lead. One of my favorite verse is in
Gen 24:7 "...he will send  his angel before you so that you can get a wife for my son..." also Deu 31:8 "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged"As a girl I know it’s hard. We tend to want to take control and make things happen…but we need to trust that our God is good and faithful and what is meant to happen will be. It sounds so cliché but it’s true! I could go on and on, but just take this for what it is, thoughts. Just keep your eyes on Jesus and focus of falling in love with Him!!!

Thought I might leave you with some more Lecare. Is it obvious I am loving his new album "Rehab?" lol


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