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What IS a Woman?

  What IS a woman?    I have not written a blog in a long time. That doesn’t mean I have had nothing to share, but more and more this question seems to keep coming up and it’s answer is simple and profound. Yet, no one wants to answer it. Or they truly don’t know how to answer it.   We have all these people who go around now wanting to “identify” as something that they cannot even define.   I have done by own research in hopes of being able to articulate this to other people. I am a Christian. So yes, my answer is going to come with a Christian worldview. However, even if you are not a Christian you cannot outrun creation. You cannot outrun the way God made “men and woman.” Separate. Different. But equal.   Some may simply say that outwardly you can visually tell who is a woman and who is a man. But I would argue it’s deeper than that. Are men and woman simply our outward appearances? That seems a little insulting, don’t y...

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