This is God's Will

First off, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Hope that everyone has a blessed day full of family, friends and food!

This morning I read something that I am hoping is fitting for this day we set aside each year to be thankful, and that it will encourage someone as it did me. Isn't God’s Word amazing?! I will try and keep it short and sweet because I know that many of you don’t have time to read a novel today.

“Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill our lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.” –{Col. 3:16}

There are simply a few things that stuck out to me this morning as I read this verse, and I just want to break down the three things that are mentioned in this one verse that God is asking us to do.

1) Let the message of Christ, in all its richness, fill our lives…
How befitting to read that on a day when we fill our lives and stomachs with so much rich food. We allow so many other things besides the Gospel to fill our lives. I love that before we are told teach and counsel each other, we are told to let the message of Christ to fill our lives--in all it's richness. Today we will fill our stomachs with all kinds of rich foods, but no matter how good it is, and how much we eat, it’s all temporary. We will still wake up hungry again tomorrow--but when we will fill our lives with the message of Christ we will not leave hungry. 

We are all guilty of filling our lives with things that don’t satisfy, but let's allow the richness of the message of Christ to fill our lives and hearts. Christ is the only one who can truly fill our lives so we can then live and love from the overflow

2) Teach and counsel with all the wisdom HE GIVES
As someone who makes a living doing these two things (teaching & counseling) this spoke volumes to me in how these two things are to be done—with all the wisdom HE gives. But this isn’t just true for teachers/counselors…it’s true for all believers. It gives us simple instructions on how we are to teach and counsel each other. If you are like me, you like things simple and to the point. We are to teach and counsel with the wisdom that comes from the Word of God--not earthly wisdom and logic. It gives us accountability, that when we are teaching and counseling each other we need to make sure we are always pointing people back to the Scriptures. If what we are being told/taught does not line up with the Word of God it’s not wisdom that HE GIVES! So lets make sure we are encouraging each other, and whatever we do lets make sure we bring it back to the Word of God.

3) Sing to God…with thankful hearts
            Many of us wonder what the will of God is for our lives—we treat the plans and will of God as something mysterious out there forever to be discovered. When really, it’s much clearer than we think. There are verses that clearly say, “this is the will of God for you..” One of those clearly stated things in Scripture is: God’s will of you and I is to be thankful in all circumstances.

I have found when I do the revealed will of God, when I obey the parts of God’s will I do know I can better discern his hand in the unknown decisions and directions in life. Thankfulness has a way of making us pause—to be still for a moment and take things in. Thankfulness still our hearts before God. I think if we can learn to be thankful in all circumstances we’ll begin to see the blessings, gifts, and opportunity that God has given us in our current seasons and situations. Our eyes are opened to what’s around us and how we can serve God were we are—in that current moment or circumstance. 

When we pause long enough to praise it changes our perspective. 

No matter what we are facing if we are doing those two things, we are in the center of God’s will in that moment.

God’s will is rarely a place I’ve found…sometimes he does call us to specific places and people. But in the BIG PICTURE God’s will and ultimate goal for us is to be made more like Christ and the destination is Heaven. But often times what God wants us to do is to simply be thankful & faithful with were we are. Bringing glory and honor to Jesus wherever you find yourself.

So let’s make sure we take the time today to be thankful, to pause and praise God with thankful hearts.

You may not know God’s will about something, you maybe waiting on an answer to something, you many not know or understand situations surrounding you today, you may not know God’s will about everything going on, but today you and I do know God’s will for us today: be thankful!

Be thankful in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you
who belong to Christ Jesus- 1 Thess. 5:18


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