Unchanging God

Been thinking a lot about the character of God lately. Between my school assignment, and the conversation I had with my husband this morning & some clips I’ve seen on social media, I am reminded how badly our world needs a better understand of the true character of God. Not just “facts” or even what the “think” God is “like”—based on their experiences. But, unchangeable TRUTH about the character of God.

Gospel singer Natalie Grant said this, “it’s in the valley were we get to really see the character of God.”

One of the discussion boards that we had to answer this past week for my Christian Worldview class was: “why do people in our world/culture reject the Gospel? What can we do to change it?

A lot of people, myself included, commented on the fact that our world has all the misconceptions about God, not based on anything they have read for themselves but sole based on their experiences with other “Christians.”

Based on that experience they come up with an opinion, about God/Christianity, and take that is truth. When sadly, if they would only look in the Scriptures they would see that their ideas of who God is are far, far from true.

 The character of God is unchanged. It remains. We live in a world that is trying to build itself on insecure ground. Opinions change, trends change, but God remains the same.

Lisa Bevere said it best, “we live in a world that says “you have truth,” “I have a truth.” But what people fail to understand is that what makes TRUTH, TRUTH, is that it’s not fluid—it doesn’t change. We’re called to lead by convictions, not opinions. And so many people are led by emotions, feelings and opinions.

Even people that say, “ I am free from caring what others think.” That isn’t true. You still have a few people in your life whose opinion matters. Maybe you don’t hand your heart out to each person you meet, looking for expectance, but there are few that, if we are honest with ourselves, we all but live and die by what they think or say (all the more reason to be careful who those people are).

I haven’t written in a long time, so maybe this doesn’t make too much since. But it’s just been on my heart, that we need to anchor ourselves in the unchanging character of God in an ever-changing world.


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