Nothing Sweeter!!

Tonight was such an amazing time of Worship at ECHO! There is nothing sweeter than the presence of Jesus Christ in the room. When His Spirit fills the place, there is just nothing more fulfilling on this planet! Tonight we sang two songs that just were my prayer and declaration. One I had heard before at Passion 2010. “Chosen Generation” by Chris Tomlin, and the other was a new one to me, “You are my Passion” By Jesus Culture.

There was one verse that came to mind during each song. The first one was “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Ps 37:4. I think most of use know this one, it’s like the single persons anthem…haha…just kidding. But when you listen to the song,“You are my passion”, maybe you will understand more what I am about to say. Jesus needs to become the desire of our hearts. As we delight in Him, He becomes our desire!!! I know we use this verse a lot in the context of when we delight in Jesus and keep our eyes on him, He changes our hearts to desire the things He wants for us, and in His goodness and timing will give us those things as we continue to delight in Him. But don’t you also think…Ok stay with me...Don’t you think there is nothing we should desire more than to know Jesus more?? I don’t know about you, but as much as there are “unmet desires” in my life…why should I desire anything more than Jesus. As we truly delight in Jesus Christ, He becomes the desire of our hearts, and Jesus loves to give us Himself. There is no better gift! I hope I’m making since and not running around in circles like I kind of feel like I’m doing…haha. But listen to this song, and let it become the cry of your heart,as it has become mine. I know that as I listened and sang this song, this truth just fell on me. "Jesus you are what my heart truly desires, and in your grace and love you give me the desires of my heart…you give me YOU!!!" Thank you Jesus!!

The Second one is a little more simple…haha…maybe. When singing “Chosen Generation” tonight a verse came to mind that the Lord laid on my heart the night before… Esther 4:14 “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" It was the most amazing thought. We who are in Christ are a part of God’s Kingdom. We are His children, co-heirs with Christ,a Royal Priesthood! This might turn into an ice cream headache thought I don’t know yet…haha. But we who are in Christ, God in His sovereignty, knew we were going to come into this world at this time on the Kingdom Calendar. He knew the moment we would receive Christ as Savior. He knew all that…and "He had already prepared in advance the works He has for us"( Eph 2:10). We have come into His Kingdom, for a specific reason. We all have purpose...bigger than majors and career paths. That’s part of it, but we have come into a royal position for such a time as this…in our world today. It’s not an accident you and I are on the planet at the time we are, that we the ages we are, that we are in the seasons we are…there is always a reason for the season. None of it is wasted. So there is a reason God has put you and I in the places we are in; for who knows that we have come to royal position for such a time as this…to be lights that shine in this dark world. “So that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe” Phili 2:15 tell us. “WE ARE, A CHOSEN GENERATION!” I will tell you want I tell my 1st graders..when they say they have seen a movie or heard a song before..."Listen to it again!" Even if you have played this song 100 times, like have, sing it in faith as a declaration of truth. Remembering that you have come into the Kingdom for such a time as this…


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