Every Womens Battle

aug 13,2009

Hay Girls, (and guys)I want to come to you as a sister in this note. I am the oldest of 4 girls, 1 of 17 grandchildren, and 12 of the 17 are girls. I always joke that when God called my into ministry He called me to girl world. I have such a place in my heart specifically for girls, to see us get our heads around this idea that we are loved and adored by our Heavenly Father. NO LOVE will ever compare to His. So as you read this ,read it as if I am coming to you as a big sister, just sharing my heart with you. One of my favorite things to do is sit with my sisters and cousins and just have girl talk. We are close in age so its just one big slumber party when we get together. And my awesome guys I'm also sharing this with you as a sister…letting you in a little into what the deepest issue is girls struggle with. If your thinking its we want to know we are beautiful it runs a lot deeper than that, I love you guys!! Girls everything I am about to say I say with love and as one with you not above you. This is an area I still have to wrestle with everyday with God. I love you and I more than anything am just wanting to bluntly sister you…if that’s ok! I’m so glad you are reading this. I’ve said this before if I had a choice I would not read my own stuff or listen to me, but I have to cause I have to live in hear and its tough living in hear I need you know that. I don’t have to convince you that God uses the foolish I hope.

2 Cor 10:12-13 “We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. We, however, will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the field God has assigned to us, a field that reaches even to you”

Girls the biggest battle you have to admit that we battle DAILY is insecurity? As girls we are eatin alive with measurements (Physically, emotionally, literally, and spiritually.) Nothing has gotten us in more trouble or caused us more pain then our insecurities. There will never be a guy in the room checking out the girls in the room like the girls in the room. We will know more about what the person sitting next to has on then what we have on. We are constantly checking each other out seeing were we fit. Do I measure up? (Lets be dead honest!!) But I am praying for healing with this in my life and in yours. What if we really let God deal with us in this area? Cause its BONDAGE, BONDAGE! I want you to think about these three things: Who are we trying to measure up to? Who are we trying to measure up for? Who are we trying to measure God by?

1)Who are we trying to measure up to? 2 Cor 10:12-13 nothing is any less wise then comparing ourselves girls to ourselves (each other). Comparing means judging. The definition of judging – Comparing to one another the similarities and differences. Nothing is more foolish then comparing ourselves to each other. Hear is something that helped me and hopefully will help you. Give the person(s) a face – who. We have to face the [who] or we will never be set free from generalities of bondage. We want to see the truth and to be set free because nothing is making us more miserable than our insecurities…NOTHING! Ok…now this is why this is so tricky… [you may adore this person or you may despise them] [You could just as easily adore the person as despise the person] If you despise the person most likely it’s because of jealousy and it you adore the person it’s more likely you idolize the person. To women jealousy is a big thing to us (I know every single one of you girls struggle with it…don’t lie…you might not say it but we have all been at some point or are jealous of someone(s)). But it is a product of- acting out of insecurity.Who is it that threatens you? Who and why are you threatened. What is it that threatens you, and what is it you feel like they are threatening? You have to identify the root of the problem. (See guys it goes a WHOLE LOT deeper then we want to feel pretty) When someone is threatened they will act out of jealousy a lot of times in criticism. ( ex. She is just so sweet, she just seems really cool, and you say well...she wasn’t that nice. WHAT IS THAT??...lol) I have a friend who I grew up with and am still friends with today. She is one of those girls that just is so pretty its almost unfair… you want to hate her but you can’t cause she’s so sweet. But as long as I’ve know her ,every time I see her she is put together. Her hair is wonderful, her face, clothes, smile, everything wonderful.It’s just exhausting feeling like you have to measure up physically all the time. If it is not Jesus Christ who sets you apart, who when you lay your head on your pillow at night, if it is not Jesus who make you special and gives you your worth and value we are in for a life time of misery.When it is not Jesus, you are going to pick the wrong guy, your going to pick the wrong future... Beth Moore told a story of a woman who told her “tell these girls to deal with their stuff before God before they get married.” Girls, you don’t want to pick your mate out of the unhealthy side of yourself. Can God perform a miracle should you do that YES! But that is plan B and not plan A. You don’t want to be choosing your guys out of your own insecurity. If you find yourself having to look absolutely perfect for him or act absolutely “perfect” for him when he walks through the door…THERES NO WAY TO SUSTAIN THAT!! We just need to be set free, we are who we are… We need to be free to just love people.“Whoever you are most jealous of you start praying for God to bless and it will heal your heart towards them.” Christy NocklesGIVE IT UP TO GOD!!! Ask God to give you a love for a person you may absolutely despise. Tell on them, that’s fair, tell HIM! Deal with it before God…but let Him set your sweet heart free cause its miserable!!

2) Who am I trying to measure up for? Gal 1:10 “Am I not trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still pleasing men, I would not be a servant of Christ.-Side Note- How awesome would it be if we really let God heal this in us. Can you think of nothing more the enemy would love then to distract you, when God wants to do a profound work in your life. If the enemy can distract you with something absolutely ridiculous he will. We are not going to let him, we are going to deal with this before God, because Satan is driven by jealousy. In Ez 28:14 it says he was the “anointed cherub”…but he wasn’t God.-Gal 1:10 – anyone who we seek the approval of (as a lifestyle) we are a slave to. The only way we are set free is to be a bond slave to Christ. …But whoever’s approval your trying to get, you’re a slave to. God can set you free!!God can do what He says He can do. John 5-Its no ones fault that I am in this mess with this person. I am going to take responsibility for my end of it , let God deal with them on theirs’ and let God deal with me on mine. We can cease getting their approval without ceasing to love them. If you are going to live to please people that’s going to be a tough road, because some people freely give acceptance, and some others you are constantly fighting to get. Some of the hardest people to lay on the alter before God are some of the people God will give you the most freedom from! “It’s a whole a lot easier to get God’s approval than it is man’s.” Gregg Mattes. God will always be 10 times more merciful with you than people will ever be. God is security and fulfillment…that’s were you find it, not people!!

3)Who are we trying to measure God by? Isa 40:5/ Isa 46:5 “ To whom will you compare me or count me equal. To whom will you liken me that we may be compared?” -Who are we getting God mixed up with? And this happens all the time and especially with our earthly fathers, or a host of other people. “To whom will you compare me…” -We tend to get God mixed up with people. And we better behave ourselves. If you think if my pastor fell,youth pastor, mentor, Louie Giglio, Beth Moore, Francis Chan, Christ Tomlin, and anyone else you admire for their faith and walk with the Lord, if you think ,if they fell my faith would not survive it…then you have them mixed up with God and we better behave ourselves. God will never fall off that thrown…NOT EVER!! -People fall away from Church or God a lot of time because somewhere along the way they decided people are not worthy so church is not worthy, we need to be careful! We are all human!! GOD IS NOT A BIG US…HE IS GOD!!! “God is light and in him is no darkness at all” 1John 1:5 God has NO dark side! God has NO perverse side! God has NO impure motive towards you! NONE!God is NOT messed up! God is NOT a freak! God is COMPLETELY HEALTHY, and refuses to be co-dependant with you…AMEN!Completely full, needs nothing, self exist, He’s just GOD!

So much of our misery is out of insecurity. You need not be threatened. You are completely loved by someone you can completely trust. God new what he was doing when he made you. He knew what he was doing when he set you on this earth at the time and place he did. (Act 17, Ps 139). Through our personalities sanctified God wants to do something sticking amazing!!! I love you girls and guys!!! Below is a link to a series called “Beautiful” By Perry Noble. It’s a 7 part series, but the first 2 messages are what I pray you go and listen too!!! I love you girls and guys!! http://www.newspring.cc/series/beautifu l Philippians 1:6 (ESV) “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”


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