When the Past and Present Collide

I just need to take a moment and be super sentimental!

God is so good!

There are times when I try and explain to people how crazy it is for me to be standing in the moment that I am in at Freedom, but God lead me all the way here.

I look around and see years and years of friendships surrounding me. I look around and see people who I grew up with in youth who are now leading and serving. I look around and think of how many people I know that are still or were involved in the beginnings of Freedom and how many of us grew up in youth together--now look where God has us! 

It's hard to look at a group of students and want so much to MAKE them see it--see they have purpose and a calling on their lives. That today touches tomorrow. Todays' choices touch tomorrow, and tomorrow is the future. God is moving, and he can and will use them/us if we'll let him. 

I look and see a friend who I knew God was calling us to serve in ministry together—I didn’t know how that was going to look but I knew it was going to happen. God used this friend (in ways he’ll never fully understand or know) to help heal some wounds in my heart. I am forever grateful that he simply cared and loved and didn’t give up when it got hard to love.

I see desires of my heart coming to life as I am apart of  a church that shares me same heart beat and passion for this generation. For the longest time I clung to the fact that I thought the only church that shared that vision was in FL but I was so wrong. Freedom has the same DNA and God gave me the heart of my desire—in being apart of Freedom.

I’m just overwhelmed with the faithfulness of God. I know that God has big plans for me here. I don’t know what they are—but I know they involve these students and seeing those far from Christ experience life in Christ!

To play a part in seeing girls stop looking for love in all the wrong places, but look to Jesus to fill all the deep longings of their hearts, and trust him to give what is good and best for them.

The one thing that continues to echo in my heart tonight was, Lord help me get this for myself. Lord, heal me and bandage up any wounds in my life/heart so that they can become scars that speak of your faithfulness and grace. Scars that declare your glory! Scars that tell stories that lead people to Jesus. My testimony is not for me to keep hidden, but for me to share. There are time I honestly don’t like my story, but my prayer is that Lord Jesus you would heal me up so that I can then speak what you want me speak. 


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