They Have A Choice

There are two words that have just been on my mind the last few days: free will.

I don’t know about you but sometimes I look around at myself and my friends, circumstances and situations and wonder why things didn’t go like I thought they were going to, or how I thought they should.

The last few years has been a lot of God breaking chains of wrong beliefs and wrong motives off me.

I looked up at my cycling the other night and with circumstances and/or situations I have faced the last few years, or decisions I have watched friends make that were not what was best for them, swirling through my mind I asked the Lord, "why?" 

We can have all the green lights in the world, all the writing on the wall, we know what God’s Word says, we know the direction he’s leading us, sometimes it’s clear as day that this certain decision or direction is a good one, and yet we will walk that direction…


As  I processed through all these different moments over the last year, I simply asked the Lord, “why?” The answer I got back in my spirit made so much sense, “they have a choice.”

We have a free will.

For any of us who have any amount of control issues that is a hard pill to swallow--lets me honest. If you have an "A -Type" personality you don't like the grey zone--it's black or white! We like to have come control over people. We like to think there is a formula to everything...when A+B happens that means C will happen. Anyone else? Or we don't want to make a move until we are 100% sure we know this is the right way to go. There are times the way is clear, there are times we only get to see the one step and not the whole staircase. Then there are moment when you either way is fine--isn't that frustrating? When God says, you pick! I'm okay with either! haha 

At the end of the day, God can do His part or make a path clear, but it’s our choice to take it our not. Sometimes it’s not that one direction is bad and the other good, it’s just a different direction—God can get glory either way. Want something to make your brain hurt & give you peace all the same time? He knows what you're going to pick before you pick it, so he's not surprised. 

There are times that he simply lets’ us choose. Now, sometimes there is a clear “right” and “wrong” way and we just chose to sin (let's be honest). What I am talking about here is not so much “right” and “wrong” but “left” and “right.” 

Meaning, either way is okay. You can get where God is taking you by going either direction. Now, there is only ONE WAY to God and that is through Jesus. That's not what I'm talking about. I mean in the decisions in life we face, we over-analyze too much sometimes. There are times when you can chose to date that person or not...the world is not going to stop is you choose not to.  Example: picking a college. It's not so much "which" college as it is what you going to do once you're there. It's far more about motives (our heart) than it is anything else. 

There have been moments I have seen God give someone every green light under heaven that if they choose this particular path, they have God’s blessing. They wanted a neon light kind of “sign” from heaven. God gave them many, and yet I wondered why they didn’t chose to go that direction, it seemed so clear (to me). The Lord simply said to me again, “They had a choice.”

That’s what makes Salvation so beautiful…it’s a choice. Jesus gave his life, but he doesn’t force us to except His gift.

That’s what makes love so powerful, it’s a choice to daily put someone else's needs before your own. Love is not void of emotion and feelings, but love is not led by them either. Love is a choice.

God allows us to choose.  We’re not robots. The amazing thing is though; as we delight in the Lord even our “free-will” choices begin to line up with God’s perfect plan for us. We’ll find ourselves wanting the very things God wants for us. We find ourselves freely choosing God’s very best as our hearts and minds are transformed through His Word! 

There was just something so freeing, for me personally, as I thought about that moments of rejections, moments of not understanding a friends decision about something--I was simply reminded they had/have a choice…just like me.

We get to choose. 


Anonymous said…
Def. agree but we also from the outside looking in have to try and not be ethnocentric. :)

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