What If?

What if?

I know we are taught to not throw that question around too much, and I agree, to some degree.

There are the negative “what if’s” that are all wrapped up in fear, worry, anxiety and insecurity.

What if _______happens….

Then there are the “What if’s” that can be powerful!! What if’s that are FULL of faith!

What if God…

What if we could…

What if…

I was talking with a friend on the phone about a conversation I was praying about having, and she said something that really challenged me. She said, “You need to be prepared for either answer.”

What I found interesting was that I immediately knew how I’d handle the rejection. But what if I wasn’t rejected? Then what would I do? That’s what stumped me! What if it goes well? I’m usually not a pessimistic person, but sadly the positive outcome never occurred to me. I was all nervous and scared about the response I assumed was going to come my way,assuming it was going to be rejection, and so emotionally I was already bracing myself for the blow. Been there? Like a boxer walking in the ring already prepared for the blows...he's already prepared to lose. Sadly thats where I went. But her question challenged me to believe God and walk by faith. I had no idea were this was going to go--God did!  

Her question just echoed in my mind, "you need to prepare for both. You need to be okay with either answer." 

So I began to think about it from another angle...and angle of faith. "What if...it goes well. Then what?" 

Let’s take this beyond a simple conversation.

“What if” we began to take God at his word?
What if…we believed God to do big things in our cities, school, families, country, world?
What if…we took a leap of faith?
What if…we really believed God? 

What would you do IF you knew you couldn’t fail?

I don’t know what decisions you are in the process of making, or conversations your thinking about having, but instead of assuming the worst possible outcome of a situation, so your not disappointed...trust God and don’t be afraid to pray in faith, walk in faith and have faith and hope in the God who is in COMPLETE control! I think we forget that God is running the show! I know that simple, yet powerful truth, God has been reminding me of in my prayers. 

On my drive home to Atlanta Monday, I was almost about to reach downtown and it was sunset. I was talking to God about some stuff, but for some reason I was being timid in my prayers. At some point while driving and talking to God I looked up and saw the beams of light from the sun breaking through the clouds and shinning down on the city I'd called home for 27-years, and in that moment it was like God dropped a brick on my head ,"Would you remember who it is your talking to?"  The same God I was "chit chatting" with in my car MADE THAT SUN AND BEAMS ON LIGHT!!! HELLO! 
After that wake-up call...my prayers got a lot bolder!!! Let's believe Him for the impossible! Let's believe Him for the miracles! 

What if…this goes well?
What if...they are healed?
What if...they do like you? Lol
What if…you get the job?
What if…they say yes?
What if...the church grows?
What if...

You get the idea! 

Walk by faith, and trust God’s heart. Don’t be afraid to ask and believe—walk by faith. Trust God’s heart towards you—knowing that his will for your life and mine is Christ-likeness. But don’t shrink back! Walk by faith!

But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.- Heb. 10:39


Anonymous said…
Brittney, I needed this so much. My body woke me up at 6 am as I went to bed burdened last night and still am. I do exactly as you have written, even on new years when everyone talks about how it's going to be a great year I always am afraid to declare it because it feels as if spring semester never really is. Your post really helped me in the terms of the boy thing we talked about the other night. I need to stop being afraid and start saying "what if there's grace and opportunity for friendship there?". I especially love the end about not shrinking back, walking in faith, and TRUSTING God's heart for me. woah. Thank you love. I need to trust God's heart for others that I am burdened about this morning too.

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