Jesus draws the crowds...

There are a lot of things on my heart tonight that I would love to write about, but one thought was on my heart and mind as I got ready for bed…

And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, 
I will draw all people to myself." John 12:32

This is going be short and sweet, promise.

As I thought about that verse, these are the thoughts that went through my heart and mind as well:

Programs are great, conference are awesome (I’m personally a big fan) having a big band and awesome lighting is wonderful, have all the bells and whistles is not a bad thing, going to camps are fun and life changing for many, Wednesday night and Sunday night activities are awesome, planning and going on mission trips are amazing and life-changing opportunities…

All the things we “do” and “plan” to try and draw more people are not in and of themselves bad…but whenever I too get caught up in the “numbers game” when it comes to church attendance the Holy Spirit reminds me of this, “Jesus draws the crowds. Not you.”

It’s Jesus!

All throughout the New Testament we see over and over again that Jesus drew a crowd. Sometimes are different reasons, but regardless of the reason, he always drew people.

When we lift up Jesus, he will draw people to HIMSELF!

Not to our programs, bands, lights, camera, coffee bars, games, camps or conference…those things only work when at the root of them Jesus is lifted up.
I have many friends who are in  ministry, and I’m right there with you, and it’s easy to play the “numbers game” and get caught up in why are more  students/kids/people coming? Why are there not more bodies in chairs? Instead of investing in the ones God has given us, and each week the Lord gives us, make it all about Him!

When Jesus is lifted up…HE WILL DRAW THE CROWDS!

That’s the only thing that will sustain a crowd. Games are fun, camps are great, trips are always memorable and make for great inside jokes, I love me a good Bible Study, but if all we do is slap stuff on a calendar and try and do cartwheels, per-say, and jump through hoops to make people come…when they do come what is going to keep them?

Jesus, and ONLY Jesus!


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