What Am I Passionate About?

"Nothing compares to this love burning in my heart."- Hillsong 

My heart tugs at me as I think about the question, “What are you passionate about?”

Yes, there are some topics that I am more passionate about then others. But, at the core of even those topics what am I passionate about? There are a lot of things I enjoy doing--there are some things that are more fun and enjoyable for me than others. But what am I truly passionate about?

After all these years serving in ministry, working with kids and students, it honestly took me a few days to be able to honestly answer that question.

There is nothing like being asked that question and you are frozen for a moment unable to respond. What gets me excited? What fires me up?

I could “do” a lot of jobs or things that I’m “good” at and have education and experience in, but am I passionate about those things?

I am going to give you an answer...promise.

But, I knew I had to sit and ask myself these questions in preparation of being asked them again, and again and again over the next few weeks and months, I knew that I needed to be able to communicate effectively what I’m passionate about. To be able to sum it up in a phrase that I could then break down and explain. For some people they'd probably guess I'm going to say "girls' ministry" as my passion. Actually, you'd be wrong. Yes, I love ministering to girls' but the reason for that runs deeper. 

As I have thought and prayed, and prayed and thought, this is what I’ve realized fires me up. It's not what you may think. You ready?


I get fired up when I am able to: build relationships, help connect people with each other and with God and then see people go out and impact their community and the world for the glory of God. That is what gets me excited.

Whether it’s working with kids and partnering with their families to help raise godly children, or ministering and building relationships with students and helping them connect with each other and with God and impact their community, or doing the same with young adults. From birth-young college aged I’m passionate about seeing this generation live for the glory of God. I’m passionate about seeing students (of all ages), parents, young adults, grasp the truth that God has a plan for their lives and wants to use them mightily in their generation for His glory. Each and every one of us have the opportunity to participate in furthering the Kingdom of God. We all are given talents, and in Christ, gifts of the Spirit to be used for God's glory.

Even deeper than the desire to see lives change, is the source of the life change, and that is Jesus Christ!

When someone has put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation they are a new creation in Christ. The old had gone and the new has come. Jesus Christ is the source of life change! God’s Word is how we come to know who God is—his character. . It's how God speaks to us--his word is alive and active because He is alive and active! God's Word is living and powerful. We are able to learn who we are in Christ. God’s Word is not just meant to build up our theology, but change our realities.  It’s not just meant to  make use scholars, but victors.

I love nothing more than when I can be used by God to help someone else (regardless of age) see that they have a purpose--to see a generation with God-given vision for their lives. My heart about comes out my chest when I think about opportunities, whether I’m behind the scenes or on stage, to make an impact for the glory of God using the gifts and talents he’s put in me.

My passion…is Jesus!

He is my passion.

However I can help someone love God and love others…then that’s what I want to do.

Yes, I love writing, teaching, planning student events, I love nothing more than having my nose in a book/commentary learning even more about God and His Word, meeting with high school and college girls for coffee and talking about life (because between the ages of 13-21 were some of the most challenging but exciting years with the Lord, for me, as I was maturing in my faith).

But...at the core of all those things lay a passion that drives me. A passion for: building relationship, connecting people with each other and with God and seeing a generation go out and impact their communities and the world for the glory of God…that passion is rooted and birthed out of a deep unashamed love for Jesus Christ my Lord.

I’m not saying I get it right all the time, but on a good day, I love Jesus more than anything else on this planet. 

"But if say, 'I will not mention him or speak any more in his name,' his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot."- Jeremiah 20:9 (NIV) 


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