One thing can change everything.

One new piece of information can change the entire way you see a situation.

All it takes is ONE!

We can choose to see it from the negative or the positive context! I’m choosing to see it in the positive, because it reminds me of one of my favorite love stories in Scripture: Mary and Joseph.

Last year God showed me something about their story that I had never seen before, and it gave me great hope in the midst of what seemed like a hopeless situation.

The reason I love it so much is because of something God showed me about Joseph that I never noticed.

Mary is usually the one who gets the most air time when this story is told. Rightfully so! She was chosen to be the mother to the Messiah! BIG DEAL!

But, it was Joseph that stood out to me. Why? Because he was trying to do the right thing…in his mind! But with ONE new piece of information…everything changed for Joseph. He went from being determined to quietly divorce Mary, to marrying her. He was risking his own reputation marrying Mary.

I wrote another post last year with a lot more detail, but today I was reminded that what can seem hopeless can turn around in a moment!!!! When God steps in…everything changes! All it took was ONE Angel coming to Joseph!

All it can take is ONE thing to turn everything around.

It was also a reminder that sometimes thing can seen perfect! Something or someone can seem like “THE ONE” and all it took was ONE thing to change your mind and realize that was not the case.

For today, I am going to air on the positive side of things. That in the midst of a hopeless situation…all it takes in THE ONE, Jesus stepping in to change everything!! 


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