Where Your Treasure Is...There Your Heart Will Be

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”- Matt 6:21

Curled up on the couch reading a book a verse of scripture that I had read many times came alive a new to me.

It’s amazing how much God can say in just a few words.

That particular night that I was reading, I also had a lot of questions. But, through just one verse God made a lot of things clear, but one thing I really wanted to share.

I came into work the next day, and few days after that, still very much on a high of this revelation. It was really very simple…but at least for me it was revelation. It was simply this….

It’s okay to miss people!

For though I am far away from you, my heart is with you. And I rejoice that you are living as you should and that your faith in Christ is strong.- Col 2:5

Sometimes when friends or family move away, or not even move but life just keeps us all busy and so we don’t get to see our friends or family as much as we’d like, there comes this longing to be with them. To talk with them, see them, hug them…we miss the people we love.

But this was the revelation…
Your Heart is Where Your Treasure Is. 

Paul in {Col 2:5} says almost the same thing, “…my heart is with you…”


Those people were treasures to him.

The verse in {Matt 6:21} is talking about storing treasure in heaven and not on earth.

Oh, how often I store up treasures on this earth. That was another thing that night I had to come face-to-face with. I was more concerned about storing up earthly treasures. I needed to be storing up more treasures in heaven. For where my treasure is…there my heart will be.

My heart was far too wrapped up in things of this world, and I don’t just mean “stuff.”

God is so good and full of grace, that he not only was showing me the areas I my life where I was treasuring the wrong things, but also showing me that treasuring people {friendships and family} when done in balance, is a good thing.

Jesus treasured people! 

People have value and worth. Jesus died for people! People matter! Valuing people, loving people, treasuring people the way Jesus called us too...that is storing up treasures in Heaven. 

We see that Paul missed his friends when he wasn’t with them. He wasn’t always physically there but it didn’t stop him from miss them, and because he treasure those people his heart was with them. He wanted what was best for them. Same goes for us in many of our friendships.

It was a two fold Word to me that night from the Lord.

On one end, there were things of this earth, things of this world, which I treasured that I shouldn’t--time for repentance.

But, on the other side there were people, friendships, relationships that I treasured…therefore my heart is with them…that’s why I missed them so. Just have to keep that in balance. We can long for people too much that we don’t ever immerse ourselves in where God now has us but, it’s perfectly okay and normal to miss and long for friends and family who are far away that we treasure.

What a gift to be someone’s treasure. What a gift to have people, friendships, relationship and family that we treasure. 

Who do you treasure?


Jessie N said…
Aw I absolutely love this! What an interesting way to look at things, and so true!

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