Handle with Care
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your
mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to
the hearers.- Eph 4:29
Have you ever had a moment when you knew
you needed to talk to someone about something difficult or something that had the potential of being uncomfortable? Or maybe you are upset at someone and are
struggling to just let something go and forgive—maybe part of that process will include a conversation you might otherwise like to avoid?
Starting just this morning my thought and prayer has been “Lord, help me handle it with grace. Help
me speak with grace, love, and compassion.” You don’t want to speak out of
anger or frustration. You do want be honest, but without hurting the other
person in the process --or making things worse. Maybe, you simply want to be
honest about how you feel. Whatever it is, unless you have been living under a rock, we have all had or will have those conversations.
It makes me think of when you are moving and you have those few box that say “fragile.” Why do you put that on a box? Because whatever is
inside is precious and can be easily broken if not handled with care. Friendships/Relationships can work the same
way. When you know that you are going to have to have a difficult conversation
make sure that you pray and seek the Lord’s will & wisdom before hand.
Asking the Lord to help you handle with care that friendship that has been entrusted to you, and speak
with grace and compassion. Pray that the
Lord would give you the words to say…that you will only say what needs to be
said, not more. Only what is for building up not tearing down.
We have been entrusted to steward many things, and relationships
and friendships and some of those things. One of the ways we take care of what
we have been given in that person is that when we have to have those
uncomfortable talks pray and ask God to help you handle the whole relationship
and conversation with grace. You will be surprised that it may turn out better
than you thought.
“Lord, help me handle this with
grace, love and compassion. In Jesus name, Amen!"