{Philippians 2:2}

Tonight was such a beautifully overwhelming night. Tonight marked the 1 year anniversary of me joining the Pillars Girls Ministry team at FBC Canton. As I was talking with a few friends this week about all God has done this year all I could really think to say was that it feels like God has simply opened up Heaven and poured out favor and blessing so undeserved.

I am in the process of re-reading probably one of my favorite books "Sun Stand Still" by Pastor of Elevation Church: Steven Furtick.  I read it for the first time towards the end of 2010, and God used it in a huge way in the process of believing God for some big things, and also in making the move to FBC Canton to serve with Pillars. But it was just the beginning of watching God absolutely blow my mind over the next year. He has defiantly moved some mountains and made the sun stand still this year; as we gear up for the first ever Pillars Girls Conference in Feb, I am sure my friend Candace would second me on that one.

 As I started reading I came across something that I underlined over a year ago,  and couldn't help but grin as I read what I had written in the margin: "Lord, I pray this for my future husband and myself; that this would describe our faith." Not long after that the Lord lead me to Phili 2:2 as the heart of my desire when it came to my future marriage; two people running after and for the same goal. To share the Gospel with this generation. Thought I would just share with you what I underlined. It's always cool to look back a year or even more and sit back, be in awe and humbled by how God has blessed, provided, and been so good and faithful to you. I am over stickin' whelmed with all God has done this year, and I truly believe it is only the beginning; I hope of many more sun stand still, mountain moving moments!

"fulfill my joy by thinking the same way, having the same love, sharing the same feelings, focusing on one goal." (Philip 2:2)


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