When I grow up...

For whatever reason the topic Thursday for my kids at work was “When I grow up...” During snack I had one of the boys say to me that he wanted to be a teacher, one of the girls said teacher too, and one boy said he wanted to be a pilot. Working with 1st graders I hear the “normal” answers from most kids when you ask that question…teacher, mom, dad, firefighter, baseball player, policeman, doctor; at that age they want to be what they know.

There is a little boy Brody who looks just like one of my friends—It is almost scary sometimes.( I wish I had a picture of Brody so I could put their pics side by side for you). I showed Brody my friends’ picture to show him how similar they looked. Since then, Brody wants me to show him my friends’ picture all the time…and he asks “is that what I am going to look like when I grow up?” With a smile and bit of laugh I say “maybe?” Brody puffs his chest out and walks off with such confidence…it's so funny! But Thurs night at ECHO we started a new series called “Kingdom” and that night he talked about that big question that everyone one of us has asked at one time or another…”Lord, what is your will for my life?” The problem is we are asking the wrong question…our question needs to be “Lord, what is your will?” When we ask that…the bigger questions seem to get answered.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2-3

I pray that the Lord will give me the words to communicate this! When I was 18 years old I realized what my call was...it wasn’t what you think. I remember being at Big Stuf camp sitting on the edge of my set as Louie Giglio asked the question “Do you want to know the purpose for your life?” Why the answer was “yes!”for me! I had just graduated High School and had NO IDEA what I was called to do. Then Louie said "you are called to bring God glory.” Those words cemented themselves on my heart, and have forever changed my life! That was my call! To bring God glory in whatever I did; relationships, work, friends, school, everything…my life was to point others to Him!

I think sometimes we over think the whole "what am I suppose to do with my life" thing! When you come to know Christ, those gifts and desires you have passed through God’s filter. You don’t have the gifts, passion, talents, and intelligence you do on accident. What breaks your heart? What gets you pumped up? For me…there is nothing I LOVE MORE than getting in God’s Word with a group of girls. I love Jesus and I LOVE telling others what He is teaching me. HELLO…BLOG! When God is showing me something or teaching me something I cannot keep it to myself or I may explode! I love sitting across from a girl in starbucks and talking about Jesus and life and having the opportunity to just encouraging her in her walk with the Lord. My heart breaks for girls who don’t know Christ, for women and children who are in poverty. I look over my life and see a pattern…and can look back and through prayer, Scripture, and what people…that I trust…have said, and although I am terrible at math, I can put two and two together and say “God, this is what you’ve called me to do.”.

What gets you pumped? What breaks your heart? Then go do it…FOR HIS GLORY! Not everyone is called to “ministry” but we are all CALLED; to do something for His glory! I love what Beth Moore said “those God trusts the most he puts out in the real world. Those of use in ministry he keeps in the Church because it is safer that way.” That is just a joking way of saying don’t think that to be "called" means you have to go to Africa, or stand on a stage and teach…seek the Lord, ask Him, study Scripture, ask some godly people who know you, and God will show you what He has called you to do. Each one of us who is in Christ is called to live for His glory and further His Kingdom!

Jer 1:4 “The word of the LORD came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

The Holy Spirit reminded me this week of when I read this verse for the first time when I was 14 years old, and how the words SET APART jumped off the page at me. I think even then I knew, even though I was still a new Christian, I was set apart to do great things for the Lord; and so are you! If you are in Christ, this verse has your name written all over it too.I love you do dearly in the faith! Keep seeking Him first, and allowing Him to lead you!

Lord capture our hearts, be the love of our lives and the desire of our hearts. May our desire be to know You more! Lord help us to keep running!!!


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