The God who pursues

What does it mean to be pursued?

I was having a rough day Friday. It was a combination of week 5 of camp and only 5 hrs of sleep that made me feel I was on the verge of tears. My friend Christy is at Jesus Culture this week, and Friday morning she said the Lord laid me on her hearts. She sent me the sweetest message, just reminding me that the Lord Jesus is radically in love with me, and pursuing me. That He was with me today. I broke down!!! It was what I needed to remember. Then the rest of the day I started thinking, what does it mean to pursue something?

I always have this picture of someone chasing something until they get it! But God is not trying to catch up with me. I am a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. I received Christ as my savior when I was 12 years old and I have followed Christ ever since. So I started praying what does it mean to be pursued?

Then the thought of a husband and wife came to mind. The husband doesn’t stop pursuing his wife just because they are married. There is still so much of each other still to get to know. Marriage is one step in many you will take together. The guy doesn’t give up on getting to know his bride more deeply and intimately does he? NO! Marriage would be zero fun if you got married and just stopping pursuing each other, stopped getting to know one another. You think you know everything you need to know so you stop asking, and seeking to know the person more. Does it make you any less married…no. But your marriage isn’t going to be all God desires for it to be, unless you work at, and continue to peruse.

I look all through my life, and I can see how God has wooed my heart. And through good and bad circumstances drew my wandering heart back to him. My heart defiantly has been wandering, and it was so encouraging to hear that God does not give up on me. He doesn’t quite chasing me, and drawing me back to himself. The only One who truly satisfies.

Some friends and I went to ECHO (A college Bible Study and worship service near where I live) Thurs night. The speaker said something that I had heard before , but right now it comes to mind. “What is most personal is most universal.” That is why I don’t mind sharing my struggles with people. I know that the only thing I am standing on is God’ grace and mercy. I need Jesus just as much as everyone else. I am nothing with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I would be lost without Him! I give all the glory to God for everything good in my life. Glory to God I am not a bigger mess than I am. I am work in progress!!!

I say all that to say this. Sometimes I know my biggest stumbing block is having the wrong view of God. he is NOT some big guy in the sky mad at me for every little thing I do wrong. He is not sitting there waiting for me to slip up so he can punish me. Our God is good, faithful and loving. Powerful and just. Mighty to save, the Author of Salvation, the ONE who satisfies, Redeemer, the one who paid the price for my sins…I could go on. I forget sometimes, and believe the LIES!

As I was in my car, still in and out of tearing up and trying to drive, this thought came to my mind and heart. “Brittney, you have forgotten how strong I am.” I think we all forget how strong our God is. He is ALL POWERFUL! Nothing is too big for him, there is no sin big enough, no pit deep enough he can’t pull us out of! Thank you Jesus!!! Anyway, I say all this to say that Christ is pursuing me, but He is also pursuing you! I was listening to this in my car, and it is my prayer and I hope you make it yours as well!

CHOOSE: Christy Nockals

Let me be in love with what You love
Let me be most satisfied in You
Forsaking what this world has offered me
I choose to be in love with You
I will choose to be in love with You

Let me know the peace that's mine in You
Let me know the joy my heart can sing
For I have nothing Lord apart from You
I choose to call on Christ in me
I will choose to call on Christ in me

For in the fullness of who You are
I can rest in this place
And giving over this, my journey Lord
I see nothing but Your face

Let me know that You have loved me first
Let me know the weight of my response
For You have long pursued my wandering heart
I choose to glory in Your cross
I will choose to glory in Your cross

And I bow down...
Humbly, I bow down...
Humbly, I bow down...
I bow down...

I bow down, I bow down
my beloved- here I am
I bow down, I bow down to You...


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