Be Anxious For Nothing

"Prayer can change anything. God wouldn't say 'pray about everything' if everything couldn't be effected by prayer." -Beth Moore 

Confession: I am planner. Now granted, not a very detailed planner but a planner non-the-less. Nothing brings about "the planner" in me like when there isn't one--a plan I mean.

I'm realizing this more and more. Often time my anxiety or worry will steam from nothing more than not knowing what is coming. I'm learning I'm most at peace when I have some ideas what's ahead.

Anyone else riding this crazy train but me? 

As my mind and heart race in a  search for peace in situations where there isn't a plan laid out the Lord ever so suddenly whispered into my heart today, "be anxious for nothing..." 

It's in those moments when my heart and mind can rest again. Knowing that I may not know what's ahead but God does. 

I sat on my driveway the other night looking up at the stars trying to let all the blessings, goodness and favor just sink in--sometimes it can be easy to stop and just thank Him. Let it all just settle in our spirits how good God is.

As I lay there and let it sink in--my anxiousness went away. Yes, there are a handful of things that don't "feel" settled in my life yet. There are some situations where I don't what's coming. But...

I know the one who does know what's coming. My prayer in the midst of these things that seem unknown to me is: "Lord, I don't know what's coming, but you do. I don't know what tomorrow holds, but you do. Help me trust You in the unknown (the unplanned things/seasons) of life. Prepare my heart for what is ahead. Whatever that may be. Help me be bold where I need to be bold, but help me patient where/when I need to be patient and trust you with the outcome. Thank you, Lord, for your grace and mercy that you pour out in shovels on me daily! You are so good! I ask and believe all this in your name, amen!" 

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends understanding, will guard your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus." - Phili. 4:6-7 

Thankful that God reminds me to never shy away from bringing things to him--everything. Laying it at His feet in surrender and trusting His heart towards us. I'm still trying to process why just in the last, almost 6-months) God has all but knocked me over with blessings and answers prayers. Even as I write this I'm reminded how God will ALWAYS bless us 10-times more than the enemy ever took. 

Fours years ago I knocked out cold over a heartbreak I never saw coming. It took me 2 out of those 4-years to truly get over it. Now, the Lord is returned far more than was ever taken. 

"I know that you can do all things; that no plan of yours can be thwarted...The LORD blessed the latter part of Jobs life more than his beginnings" -42: 2,12 


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