Pressing On

"Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,  I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."- [Philippians. 3:13-15]

As the girl who grew up in the church, being there every time the doors open, my current season in an interesting one. I put off finishing college for a long time. Part of it, if I am honest is because I was too wrapped up in a relationship to think about anything else; two I believed my own insecurities that I didn't think I had what it took. 

School for me was never easy but it also wasn't necessary hard either. But, math on the other hand always felt like a foreign language once it got to a certain point. I knew that elementary algebra wasn't going to cut in college and that made me nervous. So without even trying I immediately settled and caved and didn't even try. 

I decided that I would just settle for a two year degree, be a parapro and teach/lead small groups or Bible Studies--that seemed safe. 

As the  years went by I realized that my gifts, experience and passions didn't match my education. I would always come up short. I knew that  unless I buckled down and at least made the effort and did the work I was always going to settle and never be all God created me to be. 

It was a few years back when I heard a message by Beth Moore where she asked the question, "what would it take for you to do what God's called you to do with excellence?" My immediate thought without hesitation was, seminary and/or finish college. 

It still took my awhile to come around the fact that I as going to have to dig my heals in and finish. 

For years I've had the opportunity to serve and travel for ministry. But, coming how I tried to keep up the same pass but I had no peace. I finally surrendered and knew that for right now my season was simply to finish school, work, be apart of a church body, and develop new friendships and invest in the one I already had. 

To not worry so much about teaching Bible Study, leading a small group, planning an event, attending a meeting, speaking at a conference, and/or leading worship. 

There may come a season when I'm involved again in the inter-workings of the Church, but for right now I am so at peace with what I am doing. I'm not doing anything really different than I've always done. Just finishing what I started really. 

Teaching is still what I love to do--in all the different avenues I can and get to do it. 

I love my job(s). I am thankful for the people I get to work with, and the friendships I have with my co-workers. I'm grateful for the favor the Lord has given me at the Elementary School I've been at for (minis a year 1/2) 6 years. 

My Dress Up family I love so very much--couldn't ask for a better group of girls to work with. How many managers text you if you want to go to the 5pm gathering at PCC?! 

I very much can relate to Paul when he says, I haven't reached the goal but I am certainly pressing toward finishing it. Teaching has always been what I wanted to do since I was a little girl. Even all through middle and high school (even when I'd think I might want to do something else) teaching was always not only the direction I felt pulled toward but always were God has always seemed to give me favor. 

My job now is to finish what I started so that God can use me to the best of my ability for HIS glory. So that I can do what He's called me to do with excellence. 

God doesn't require everyone to have a degree to do what He's called them to do. However, he's requiring it of me. It's certainly pushing me, but I'm experiencing that God has and is giving me such a grace and strength to finish. In my weakness he is strong. I just know the day I hold that piece of paper it will be celebration in Heaven!! Lol 


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