Beyond the Walls

This post has been on my heart for some time to write. Mostly because it's something the Lord has been working in my heart. Sometimes when I'm in the middle of walking through something or trying to process it myself it's hard to find the exact words to explain and/or describe it to others. 

There is a quote by Pastor Steven Furtick in his book Sun Stand Still  that has been coming to mind the last few weeks. It says something along these lines--I couldn't find the book so I had to paraphrase what he said--but this comes pretty close.
"I hate the term part-time ministry. What does that even mean? Are we part-christians? If we are in Christ we are all called to minister. Majority of people/believers will never be employeed by a religious institution. Just because you don't get a pay check from a church doesn't mean you're not in ministry. We're all called to be ministers in our place of influence using the gifts and talents God has given us."

God has given me eyes to see this very thing more and more--believers who simply shining where God has placed them. I've been truly convicted lately about the fact that ministry is not what I think , or what many other Christians have come to believe it to be. If you are in Christ then guess what? You've been called. We can't use the excuse, "I'm not a pastor, preacher, worship leader, Bible Teacher, Speaker, I didn't go to seminary, I don't work for a church...etc." 
I want to repeat what Steven Furtick said, "majority of believers will NEVER be employed by a church and/or religious institution of some kind." 

If a lost world is going to hear about Jesus, we can't leave it up to only the Pastor, Evangelist ,Bible Teachers and Worship leaders. 

I'll make a list of people who I see using what God has given them bring Him glory: 

Chipp and Joanna Gaines- HGTV Fixer Upper

Duck Dynasty - Duck and Buck Commander AT&T 

Jason Kennedy- E! NEWS

Lauren Scruggs Kennedy- Author/Fashion Blogger 

Dress Up Boutique 

Mark Burnett- The Voice

Beth Moore- Living Proof (non-profit organization)

Roma Doney/Mark Burnett: The Bible & A.D Series 

David Chandley- FOX 5 Team ATL Chief Meteorologist 

Tim Tebow (there are many more athletes) 

The list goes on and on and on. I think you get the idea! Name one of those that currently work for a church or are a church? NONE! 

Yet theses people are using what God has given them as platforms to make their mark for the glory of God. This past weekend my Pastor gave an absolutely mind blowing message. He left his heart on the stage. If you want to hear it go to  and click WATCH (it'll be the most recent one posted). He talked about excellence and how we are called shine and be lights in this dark world. Some people do not like the light because some people actually love the dark. But there are others that are in the dark and want to be in the light but they don't know how to get there. Our job is to shine the light God has given us--for His glory. Doing things with excellence is one of the ways that we can glorify the Lord. What's funny is Jason Kennedy & Chipp and Joanna never ONCE on their shows verbally said "hey we are christians." But I could tell by the way they handled situations and did their jobs there were. Now, when asked about their faith they'll openly talk about being Christians but they allow their actions to speak louder--especially because of the fields they work in. 

I just love when I see someone living for the glory of God and ministering to others about the Gospel and they're not doing because it's their "job." We need our preachers, teacher, and worship leaders. They very much are there to help give us some guidance--they are shepherds--but it's NOT their job to walk this faith journey out FOR you. It's like I've told some of students before when they ask for help with an assignment, "I'll help you but I'm not doing it for you."

Where has God placed you? Where do you work? Where do you go to school? Don't even minimize where you are. With all this going through my head last few weeks it was so fitting that I came across in my quiet time this morning one of my favorite verses but it feel afresh (as only the Word of God can) today. 

"For who knows, but that you have come into this position for such a time as this."- Esther 4:14

Look at the times we are in! People need Jesus!!! They need to know the truth about Jesus!!! Not just what we as Christians like to jump on facebook and hoop and holler about that doesn't matter in the big scheme of things. There are people dying and going to hell because they don't know Jesus! That's what should matter! 

I love the verse that says, "one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" like so many believers. But for a long time I loved it because I heard justice! But last week as I thought about this verse it broke my heart. Yes, one day every knee will bow but for many it will be too late and that breaks my heart. Does it break yours? 

Beth Moore said in a message she gave, "If we claim to believers and follower of Christ and we can't remember the last time we shed tears over a lost world there's a problem. We have a heart problem." 

All this to say, doesn't mean you need to go into work tomorrow with guns blazing. It just means to go into work and SHINE for the glory of God. Do you work in such a way that you honors and glorifies the Lord. 

Don't wait and think, "one day when I'm in ministry..." You and I have need called to minister of the Gospel wherever he has planted us. 

If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”- Esther 4:14


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