Broken and Burdened

I couldn't sleep last night. My heart is so broken and burden for this young man I met tonight at Church. All I can do is write about what happened--in hopes it will help me processes. 

Nothing too exciting was happening at the info desk. It was your typical Wednesday night at church. Myself along with a few others were just talking and laughing when a young man who looked obviously shaken and very humbled walked up to the info desk. He had just walked out of one of the classes and came by just saying that the one he was just in wasn't for him. He then began to share his story. As he shared it was like someone hit me in the gut! My heart just broke for this young (19 years old) man! Who all of a few days ago had his wife leave him.

When he told us his age it took all I had to not run to the office and grab my cousin Matt (who helps with the college). As he began to walk out I just looked at Stephanie and said, "Matt. Get Matt!!" I ran outside to get the guys attention to come back. As he got closet I asked if he wanted to talk to my cousin Matt--he helps out with the college and is 23 (closer in age to him)! He lit up and said "yes!!"

As we walked in the guys bible teacher comes running out to talk to him, and I guess find out why he walked out. The lesson that day reminded him too much of his wife who had just left hi and he just couldn't take it.

Once Matt came around the corner I could hardly form words I just knew he needed to get out there!! I filled him in on the little I knew, and he asked me to go out there with him to talk to the guy.

Once Brian (guys leader) saw Matt he saw the guys face light up as to say (someone my age! Praise The Lord). We stood there and talked with him and he shared more of his story and it took all I had to hold it together as he shared! He was still shaken my it. His wife had just left him Sunday morning while he was at Church!

It's when he said the words, "I had my life planned out. I thought I knew where I was going but now my whole life has taken a different direction and I just don't know what to do." Matt was amazing at just encouraging the guy and we both invited to our college worship night coming up. I was really more there as support haha all I could do was hug him and try not to have a total girl moment and break down in tears!! The guys group had already prayed for him, but God was so good in that moment! I felt the Holy Spirit so present in that moment...I could not have been a prouder cousin than I was in that moment with how Matt handled everything. He was so honest ,and just showed this guy such love and encouraged him!

Matt and I walked backed in (with a little high-five) parted ways and I went over to the info desk and my heart was still in my throat! I had to walk away a moment to let some of the tears out.

More and more I'm seeing the need for the message God has laid on my heart and, "His Plans vs. My plans." That's just one of the many stories I've heard. But that one broke me tonight! That young man was so shaken, but I have never seen a more rock solid man of God! He knew who to run to. He knew he was gonna need to lean of God and need community!

I can't imagine the pain!!! But, my heart was just ripped out of my chest tonight! Still processing and praying for him and what role God wants me to play (maybe I already played it. I don't know) in helping him! But man, on the other side of this--what a testimony he's gonna have. I know he doesn't see that right now but I pray he finds what he needs in community at His Hands!


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