Me, A Writer?

“God was writing a story for my life I never would have written…even typing these words—is the scariest thing to me.” –Jennie Allen

Me, as a writer is proof that God has a great sense of humor. When I felt God was calling me into ministry at 18 years-old writing was the furthest thing from my mind. I never in a million years would dreamed it would turn into a form of ministry. It's really only been in the last 3 years that God began to give me a passion to minister through writing. I remember sitting in the back of my dad’s car one day when I was middle school and telling him, “I think God is going to use the things I go through to help other people.”  Writing was not at all what I had in mind. I really didn’t have any idea how that would flesh itself out. But somewhere deep down I knew that God was going to use my walk with Him and my experiences to help others. I reasoned that if I was going through something surely someone else was too.

I laughed at my mom’s response when I asked her, “did I always like writing?” Her answer, “not particularly.” Since the age of 18 I have been serving in students ministry in some capacity whether it be: teaching Bible studies, leading small groups, or helping plan events; but even then writing was the last thing I ever thought I would want to do with my life. 

In 2009 when I started writing my blog it really was just a way for me to simply share what God was teaching me, not to get noticed. It was the last thing in the world I was qualified to do. But in 2010 God birthed a passion for writing in me that can’t be explained any other way than God! When I say passion, that’s an understatement. But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot (Jeremiah 20:9).

My passion for writing has come from a love for the Lord and to simply teach girls how to apply Scripture to their everyday lives and circumstances. I always imagined I would be a teacher when I grew up; I even went so far as to go to College for it. But it’s a form of teaching and ministering to this generation in a way I would have never imagined for myself.

You are looking at a girl who always struggled through school, and all but has an anxiety attack before getting up in front of people. It’s not me doing all this but Christ in me. Writing  is so far out of my comfort zone you have no idea. My family reminds me all the time, because they know writing and speaking are two things that I don’t “voluntarily” jump at doing. I still don’t…unless it has to do with telling people about Jesus. Ever since I became a Christian the only moments that I voluntarily put myself “out there” is when I get to talk about Jesus. I can sit in front of a group of people and talk to them like they are my best friends for hours or write a novel if it means I get to tell others about the Lord Jesus, and all he has done for me.  

I still have such a long way to go, and so much still to learn. This is only the beginning, but I echo Jennie Allen, once again, in her book Anything when she said, “…but peace came in because I knew I was doing the things God put me here for just a little while to do. I was living the story that he had written for me—eyes laser focused on One: the God who called me. I was full and right, even though a lot of days I fight inadequacy and fear. I never would have dreamed any of this two years ago.”

There is about a 100% chase that what God is calling you to do is way outside your comfort zone. Writing and teaching keeps me seeking Him, it keeps me drawing near to the heart of God; relying on him, because I know that unless he gives me the words…nothing will come. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing- John 15:5. I can’t string five words together to make a sentence apart from Christ. I am so thankful for the truth in 1 Thessalonians 5:24 that says, “The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.” (Emphasis mine.)

“My life is not my own, and I write to give away what I have been given.” –Jennie Allen 


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