Thanksgiving Kisses

I could not help myself. I could not stop kissing all over that sweet little face. She was only 8 months old and with the most contagious smile and beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. Her name was Katelyn and we had never met before until this Thanksgiving (2012).

My Aunt is one amazing women. Not only are two of her 4 children adopted, but now she  and my uncle are also foster parents. Each time I see them they have a different child with them. This thanksgiving when I walked into my Mema’s house was when I first set eyes on sweet Katelyn. She was a very happy baby unless anyone besides my Aunt, Uncle or cousins (their kids) held her. She did not want anyone else to hold her—she would always start crying.  As long as a familiar face was holding her she was alright.

I couldn’t let my mind wonder too much or I would burst into tears at the thought that this sweet little girl does not have anyone she can call mom or dad. All I saw that day was a sweet little girl who just needed to be  loved, and I could do that! 

After dinner my Aunt Lisa was standing in the living room holding Katelyn when I walked over and started baby talking to Katelyn and playing with her feet. My Aunt Lisa wanted to see if she handed her off to me and left real quick if she wouldn’t cry.

So, my Aunt Lisa handed her to me and ran the other direction before Katelyn could really notice. Katelyn whimpered for a little bit but then looked at me and around and seemed to relax and pretty content in my arms. I am not an expert on babies, but I have found if you are calm they will be too.

I just gave her a kiss on the cheek, and then just kept kissing on those chunky pink cheeks and talking to her. She would just look at me and smile and then her eyes would wonder towards the door that led to outside that was open; so I decided to take her outside for a little walk.

One of my cousins, Katie, grabbed a tub of bubbles and started blowing bubbles. I decided that Katelyn and I were going to go play with the bubbles too, and with her in my arms we chanced those bubbles all over the yard and a few of them would even fly up in our faces. She would smile the biggest most sweet smile, and even laugh a little. She would laugh each time she was able to pop a bubble with her hands. My heart would just melt at the sight of that sweet smile...and I would just kiss those cheeks again! 

After awhile I decided to let her try and stand...while holding my hands. I stood behind her at first holding her waist and helping her get her balance. We were still playing with the bubbles some, but she seemed to be just enjoying being outside more than anything. I stood up behind her after awhile and held her hands up above her head to help her stand. She and I just stood there for a while not doing much of anything. I was just holding her hand as she stood still just looking around.

With my thumbs I would stroke her soft little hands that were holding on with quite a tight grip to mine. Occasionally she would look up at my with those big blue eyes and I would just say something like, “hey, pretty girl” or just make a kissing face at her. Doing something to remind her that I was right there and not going anywhere. We might have just met, but I loved her.

My cousin, Katie again, walked over and squatted down to her level. Katelyn after a while started trying to walk. Not a lot but was trying, so when Katie got down to her level ,she was no more than one step away from Katelyn, and she took one step and we both celebrated like she had ran across the yard. Katie stood up with Katelyn and handed her back to me.

Leave it to my cousin, Brian, who is only a year older than me (27 years-old) to tease me  when I picked her up again and said, “you getting in some practice.”  I just laughed at him and said, “for one day.”

Then Katelyn I walked over and she got to met Brian's dog, Rico. I kept telling her, “puppy, puppy.” She even kind of said it. I could not have been more in love with that little girl. It never once crossed my mind that she was not “technically” related to me. She was not “really” my cousin. I could have cared less. She was a little girl who simply needed love…and that I could give!

“Silver and gold I do not have, but that which I do have I give to you.” - Acts 3:6 

It broke my heart to watch my Aunt Lisa drive off with her, but before they left I stuck my head in that Van and looked that little girl in those big blue eyes and said, “Bye sweet girl.” She just smiled at me with a big, shy smile.

I don’t know when I will see Katelyn again, or if I ever will. But just for that moment I had the opportunity to show her love. This morning as I drink my coffee the image of me kissing those sweet, pink, chunky cheeks is playing like a broken record in my head, and the tears fall down my cheeks as I think of that sweet little girl.

I am praying that the Lord would provide a loving family for her. 

I also remember standing with Katelyn in the yard, her holding tightly to my hands, and felt the sweet voice of the Lord say, “be still and know that I am God.”

Sometimes God simple wants us to be still and just hang on tight to him. Katelyn was not going anywhere or doing anything—she was just standing there holding on to me and looking around and occasionally looking up at me. I would say something sweet and she would smile and look back down. I was not in hurry and either was she. I didn’t want to do anything but jut stand there with that sweet girl and hold her hands.

She was not my little girl, but it reminded me of how I was adopted into the family of God through faith in Christ, and that God loves me as his own.  I am His child.

That little face it burned into my mind and cemented on my heart. I simply loved just getting to love her. She didn’t do anything to earn my love and affection. She didn't have to do anything for me to love her…I just did.

There are those rare moments when I can  feel the love of God pouring out of me onto someone else. It’s those moments I know it’s not me…it’s the work of the Holy Spirit. That is what it felt like when I would hold Katelyn, kiss her on the cheek or hold her hands. Just a big love overflow!

God taught me so much through my few hours with Katelyn, but as I write this a three things stand out:

1)   That is how God loves me
2)   That is how I am called to love—love the orphans
3)   Be still and know that He is God

Please take some time today, if even right now, and please pray for Katelyn. That God would provide a Christ-centered home for her to grow up in. Where she is safe and loved. That she would one day come to know Christ as her Lord and Savior.

I admire my Aunt Lisa so much. This little girl as been with her for 7 months and knows nothing but LOVE! 

I hope I get the chance to kiss those cheeks one more time, but if not I pray she will always know she is loved, wanted and safe…ultimately in the arms of her Heavenly Father who has an amazing plan for her life! 


Anonymous said…
prayed for her and praised God for aunt lisa :)

this post was really sweet and I loved it.

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