Future Husbands

Well, I am in a writing mood tonight and having just seen a tweet a sweet girl posted about praying for her future husband inspired me to write. I cannot encourage girls enough to pray for their future husbands. I am not saying that to sound “super spiritual” or anything like that, but because who ever God has for you I can promise you he could use your prayers.  

There is a battle men are facing ladies, which we don’t fully understand. They need us fighting for them on our knees. My prayer for every girl is that she would have a “Jesus Did That” story. Hundreds of prayers on her knees led to his bended knee.

This is a short post, because I just wrote a really long one, but I simply wanted to encourage any girls out there to please pray for your future husbands. Praying in faith never did anyone any harm! I am a firm believer in “you have not because you ask not.”

Our God is a good God who wants to give good gifts to his kids, but there are some things that he is just waiting on us to ask him for… before he will give it to us. One of the things I look forward to the most one day…is seeing how many prayers God answered before I ever met the guy I am planning to marry. I would say I started, really, praying for my future husband about 6 years ago, and so I am always eager to find out what God started doing in his life around that time up until we met. Lets fight for our brothers in Christ on our knees ladies!!! What a gift we have in being able to go before the throne of grace boldly and pray for the men of our generation, and even more specifically the man who will be leading your family. 

Lately, I have been reminded that we are in a battle. The enemy does not want godly marriages to start, and if they do start he is going to do all he can to break them up. Don't think that God is going to necessarily hand you a godly husband on a silver platter. Wherever he is, whatever he is doing--he needs your prayers! 

Love and Blessings,



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