Running The Same Race?

I guess it was the fall of 2010 when this picture first began to come to my mind. The image of two people running after the same goal  and meeting along the way and joining forces in marriage for the glory of God. It might have even been before that, because I use to always think of what Melanie use to say when she would describe the picture she use to have in her mind. Two people walking and looking up and at some point colliding—but I always had the image of two people running in the same direction in my mind .

But it was defiantly after I heard a message that Ben Stuart gave at Breakaway (A Bible Study for College Students at Texas A& M) on Isaac and Rebeka that the thought cemented on my heart and mind. I love their story for so many reasons, but he said something I simply loved and it put words to the desire of my heart. He said “You want to meet them on the mission field. Doing the work!”  Translation: you want to meet them running the race of faith. Living on the edge of faith!

So, what does it mean to be running the same race? I have been thinking about this a lot and praying about it a lot lately. How do you know, really know, if you are running in the same direction as someone else? Yes, there is the image of two people running the same direction and at the some point you look over and they are running not only the same direction, but same pace as you.

There are some people who may be running the same direction, but not at the same pace. And that is okay. We are all at different places in our walks with the Lord. But you want someone who can “keep up” in a since. Not someone you are trying to catch up to or having to drag along who will slow you down-- someone who is running at the same pace and direction. Who just has to reach over and grab your hand and keep going, together. 

Typically we think “same race” or “same direction” as they are right there with you…and in some since yes, but again that depends on your definition of running the same race. When I first heard Ben talk about Isaac and Rebeka what I loved was the fact that they both were running the same race in different places. But God brought them together. God brought Rebeka to Isaac; he didn’t go looking for her. God brought them together so they could do more together than apart for His glory, but they didn’t live in the same city or town. Isaac was doing his thing and Rebeka was going hers.

The more I thought about it the more I realized, to me, what running in the same direction means and looks like. It is about having the same core value. Same heart beat at the end of the day. Same mind, Same heart, Same goal (Philip 2:2). Locations change, hobbies change, callings are refined, churches change, Speed Changes, but if you both have the same core heart—same goal that you are running towards—that won’t change. 

I think of what Candace has shared: “Even when your husband is not being the spiritual leader he is called to be, you are still called to submit.” Life brings change, but when you lay your heads down at night what keeps your flames burning regardless of circumstances or seasons?

If we get to hung-up on the “directions” part we can find ourselves in trouble if we get married and all of a sudden you think you are both “going in different directions.” So we have to be careful how we define running in the same direction.

So that is why now, in this season of singleness---no matter how old you are—you need to adopt a Sysinct Life Goal. Meaning, don’t make it too tight. It just needs to be a goal that everything else in life has to come into submission to. Mine personally is: reaching this generation & live for the glory of God. No matter where God takes me over the years that goal will remain the same. That’s is the direction I run; what brings God glory & what helps reach this generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  Currently that is Pillars Girls Ministry, writing, teaching/speaking. 

Knowing that now and having that settled now helps me discern a lot quicker if someone is running the same direction as me. I know whoever I marry will not be called to girls' ministry, but does he want to reach this generation? Does he want to and seeking to live for the glory of God? Does he LOVE Jesus? Those are the question I ask myself.

Yes, I desire to partner with my future husband in ministry. I deeply desire that,  but locations change, and positions change. I use to always think I wanted to and was going to marry a youth pastor. Made since, I felt called to student ministry so logically I would marry a Student Pastor! Years ago, I laid down my “dream guy” and said I wanted God’s best. Who God knew that I needed! My only prayer request was that he have a heart to reach this generation with the Gospel...however that looked, and if He wanted to through in some pretty blue eyes I wouldn't complain! Lol 

My mentor/friend Candace told me once “if God’s hand of favor is on you…you will not stay in the one place forever. That is part of ministry.” I simply want it to be a team effort in reaching this generation for the glory of God, wherever God may take us or ask of us to do—my prayer is that we would be up for the adventure, together!

My friend Gina said something revolutionary, to me, the other day when she and I were talking about this very topic. She said: “In reality, all of us who are in Christ are running in the same direction!” Who do you want to be your teammate is more of the question? LOL

So during this season ask God to make clear to you what your Sysinct Life Goal should me. I love what Beth Moore said. She used goal as an acronym for GOD ON A LIFE. That is her goal. She wants God on her life. 
G- God
O- On
A- A
L- Life

What is your goal at the end of the day? No matter the season, that you are running towards! 

Here is a link to the message I was talking about that Ben Stuart gave at Breakaway


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