Just Call To Call

“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” – Philippians 2:4

Confession: I love to talk!! Growing up that was the one thing that always got me in trouble in school…my mouth. I remember my mom coming home from parent/teacher conferences and complementing me on how well I was doing in school, but in the same breathe letting me know that my teacher did mention the only thing I need to work on is my talking. My favorite times to talk were always the times when I needed to be paying attention & listening, or working on school work. My dad always would remind me that "God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. You need to listen twice as much as you talk."

Most recently God has been teaching me a very simple truth and principle when it comes to how to be a Christ-like friend. I want to be a blessing to the friends God has entrusted me with. Yes, friendships are also something we are called to steward well on this planet. Over the last few years, but especially in the last few weeks God has been challenging me to be intentional.

“The reason many friendships drift apart is because few people take the initiative to stay connected. To plan actively and purposely to keep a friendship alive takes effort. Sometimes it feels easier just to let the relationship slip away.

Each day is a gift. Each relationship is a gift. Each new opportunity is a gift from God. My job is to learn how to manage and steward these blessings. This includes the gift of friendship. Jesus modeled an intentional lifestyle. He knew His life purpose, and He lived each day on a mission. Jesus was also intentional about His relationships, and as Scripture reveals, He placed a high priority on them.

Alan McGinnis observes this same character trait in those who are deeply loved: ‘As I have watched those who are deeply loved, I’ve noticed they all regard people as a basic source of happiness. Their companions are very important to them, and no matter how busy their schedule, they have developed a lifestyle and a way of dispensing their time that allows them to have several profound relationships.’

When we are blessed with a close, deep, and true friend, then we must be intentional about maintaining and cultivating that relationship. How do we do this? TALK!!!! This is one thing we do really well. To keep the friendship fires burning, shall we say, we must intentionally communicate and share what is going on in our lives.  Be the one who picks up the phone and makes the call or the plans. Don’t wait for your friends to call, to invite, or initiate time together.”

[Jordan, Marian; Girlfriends Guidebook: Navigating Female Friendships. Tennessee B&H, 2011]

Have you ever taken the time to just call a friend for no other reason than to see how they were doing? Not to catch them up on your life, or ask them to do anything for you or meet you anywhere? Have you ever called a friend for no other reason than to simply see how they are doing and just sat back and listened?

This sounds so simple, but it’s something this simple that the Lord is challenging me to do.  To call my friends for no other reason than to just see how they are; not to talk about me, ask a favor, talk "business" as I call it, but just to ask how they are and sit and listen as they share. Sometimes if we are not careful we can make our friends all about us, instead of turning it around on them and calling or meeting up to catch-up with out an agenda. Just spontaneously calling your friends. Be far more concerned about what is going on with them and their lives, and how you can serve them than you are with filling them in on your life. Some people, are not going to ‘just open up’ and share, they have to be asked to. I know this might sound weird, but I have friends that unless I take the time to ask them straight up “How are you doing? What is going on?” They are not going to tell me.  

Take the time to call a friend just to call! If the Lord lays someone on your heart to call to just see how they are doing…call! I have found there is a reason that person was on your mind, and that phone call for a hundred different reasons was suppose to or needed to happen 9 times out of 10!! 

“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” – Philippians 2:4 


casey e :) said…
two things.
1) you don't follow my blog :(
2) i love love love x10000 this blog post .

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