He is EVERYTHING to me....

How does an invisible God become everything to you?

1)      He makes me different than I am

   He has redeemed me! He has turned my greatest miseries into ministry

  He is the ultimate romantic…I can’t begin to describe to you the love God put in me at a young age for a man I had never yet laid eyes on, but yet gave me the gift of the desire to wait on who He has for me…to find joy in praying for that man…and believing God for big things. I love that he came up with the idea of romance and marriage...and that he delights in bringing two people together for His glory. He knows how to write and unfold some pretty amazing love stories! 

He gives me strength I know I don’t have

He enables me to do what I cannot on my own do. There is NOTHING like watching God do something through you, you KNOW apart from Him you CANNOT do!

When I do that self loathing thing that I do…He tells me He loves me and He doesn’t mind how many times he has to tell me…he will tell me over and over and over again when I would have warn anybody else completely out God is still willing!!!! 

I can go before him with all my anxiety, hurt, pain, confusion (you name it) with my heart pounding in my chest and tears streaming down my face and lay on that floor and pour out my heart before him in prayer and get up as calm as can be

He comforts me when people hurt my feelings. I tell on people to Him

I love that he convicts me and doesn’t let me get away with my sin. So thankful he see’s through my bull!

He can give me a Scripture and give me the sense that he is speaking it just to me

He can cause me know something I didn’t even want to know or over time come to see I knew something that I could not know a part from Him

His presence is everything to me. NoTHING compares to just 30 minutes in His presence! He REALLY is everything my heart cries out for! 

 I love to enjoy a moment with Him…he is my favorite person in the universe. I laugh my head off with him. He has THE BEST since of humor! 

He is my safe place to fall

I can call on him at 3 in the morning when I need to just talk or cry…or just talk something through. He doesn’t mind if I want to talk about something for the 400th time

He has NEVER left me

 He goes out of His way to do cartwheels in front of me. He is the biggest show off sometimes and I LOVE IT!

He pursues me

He loves for us to love others

 I love Him, on a good day, more than anything on this earth that I can see or touch

Nothing does it for me on this plant like Jesus, I do not know exactly why, I just know that He is the biggest blast and most wonderful blessing that I have ever had! 


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