To GO you have to LEAVE

I can’t help but laugh every time I watch this scene from the Disney Movie “Tangled,” because there is just no better picture of how we as girls are emotionally. We can go from one extreme emotion to the next in a matter of 5 seconds. What I find interesting is that after all that inner conflict, even after Flynn Rider tries to convince her to turn around she is still determined to see the lights. She doesn’t let her emotions deter her from her goal.

It can be really easy to look at circumstances and be discouraged. As girls we have a tendency to get lost in our own thoughts about how something should look, or  how we imagine it should turn out. Then when life doesn’t go according to “our plan” we are devastated. Or maybe we are faced with a  big decision, and if you are like me, you go through almost every emotion known to man and play out ever different scenario of how the situation could play out or how the conversation could go…and end up just driving yourself to the crazy place before you know it.

There is so much I want to say and share when it comes to this topic of not allowing our feelings and emotions to dictate our obedience.  There have been many a thing God has called me to do that I didn’t “feel” like doing or didn't "feel" I could do.  But if we love God we will obey Him, and love is not a feeling, but a commitment and a choice you make. Please, don’t hear me say that you should ignore your feelings….God gave us emotions and feelings for a reason, but we are not meant to be led by them.  It’s okay to have emotions just don’t let your emotions have you. There are so many verses I would love to unpack when it comes to walking by faith and not feelings, but the one that keeps coming to mind tonight is 2 Cor 10:3-5.

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.- 2 Cor 10:3-5

One of the main things that we have to learn, especially as girls since we are so emotionally wired, is to learn how to take captive thoughts that set themselves up against the knowledge of God and make them obedient to Christ. I cannot encourage you enough guy or girl to be in the Word of God. Read it. Study it.LOVE IT.! If you don’t know the Truth you will fall for a lie…EVERY TIME!

As I watched the clip above I can't help but think that pretty much describes my emotional state over the last 2 weeks. One minute I am 100% sure and excited them I am 100% doubting and unsure. One minute  I am  bold and determined and then nervous and fearful. I was listening to the message that Christine Cain preached at Passion 2012 tonight, and I so needed the reminder that we are not called to comfort and ease. We are not called to do what is comfortable. 

"Safety, comfort, security, is not the goal of Christianity...freedom is. The goal is not to arrive at death safely. We don't need to fear what He defeated, we don't need to fear the darkness we just need to shine our light in the darkness. Light works best in one place...darkness. The light was ineffective in the midst of all the light there already was so we had to go find some darkness." - Christine Caine: Passion 2012

In order to go find some darkness there requires a  GOING! To go anywhere you have to LEAVE something else. Going can be scary. Leaving what is familiar is exciting but also can be fearful. I think of the lyrics from the song Take My Hand: "I heard you say it. I know you did. You called me out into the waves and the wind, and for a moment I was brave and strong, but not everything is going wrong. Didn't you know that I'd be scared. Couldn't you see that I was unprepared. I'm not asking for reasons you hold or the safety of land I just need you to take my hand. Your telling me that faith is all i need,but fear is all that I can find in me, but I would be okay If you'd take my hand." 

Instead of allowing your emotions and feelings to take hold of you reach out and take hold of Christ. What does the Word of God say...not how do you feel! Who does God say he is....not how do you feel. What has He called you to do...not how do you feel. 

Our emotions change like the wind, circumstance are always changing but we have One who will NEVER change. What breaks his heart today, will still break is heart tomorrow. Who he says you were yesterday is still who he says you are today. Who God was yesterday he will be today and forever. Instead of wallowing in the emotion....stand on the Truth of who God is! Faith is not feelings, but this is the cool part as we chose to walk by faith and still do what God is calling us to do regardless of how we feel...there will be moments where you will actually FEEL your FAITH. It's not everyday, but there have been those rare moments when I not only was walking by faith, but I could almost feel my faith rising up in me as I chose to believe God over what I felt or over what I saw. 

Will we still GO to where God is calling us REGARDLESS of how we feel? 


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