The Lake House

“Sometimes God enforces the issue of time, but other times he seems to entrust it.”– Beth Moore

I absolutely love the lake. Growing up I remember going to my uncle’s mom’s house on Lake Sinclair during the summer and simply having a blast. Back it the day my dad use to have a boat and he would sometimes take it down there with us and we (not me, still can’t ski…sad face) would go skiing, knee-boarding (this was before wakeboarding came on the scene), and just go cruising on the lake. My uncle use to own a shop that sold jet skies, motorcycles, four-wheelers…etc and so when we would all go to the lake he would rent for the day all these different jet skies and stuff; so we never failed to have a good time. My dad is the one who taught be how to drive a jet ski, and I remember thinking he was the coolest dad “like ever” because he could ski and kneeboard. Leave it my dad's best friend Todd, and my Uncle Randy to master to art of throwing me off a jet ski though. First time I ever flipped one was with Todd in the drivers seat. But, by far my favorite thing was when we would just go for a cruise. I loved just sitting on the bow of my dad’s boat around sunset. There is probably nothing I love more. Let me think….nope!

I even remember daydreaming and talking about (Jacinta can back me up on this, because she made fun of me for it) living on the lake one day. Most girls dream of growing up, and if they have kids, and those kids happened to be boys, they dream of them playing things like football, baseball, soccer, basketball (all games that involve something round). But, I always desired my kids to grow up steps away from the water. I wanted my kids to grow up riding and driving jet ski, boats, skiing, all things wake (wakeboard, wake-surfing). I wanted to have that house that everyone came to and hung out at. We would cook out and spend afternoons just chillin’ on the dock. Yep, that was my dream. Why? I don’t know! But it was a dream that was planted early on in my life. There is something about being out on the lake, for me, just cruising that removes all distractions. My mind kind of goes blank actually…it’s kind of nice. No matter what is going on, life is perfect for those 30 min or however long you are out there! Its simply heaven on earth to me! Always has been! We all have that place, or at lease I hope you do, that you can just go and get away, and all the distractions of life fall away for just a few brief moments.

The single women can be involved in the Lord’s work on a level that a married women cannot because of the distractions and responsibilities of being a wife and mother. Ironically, some single women can be so distressed by their single state that they become emotionally more distracted than a wife and mother of four children. Rather than staying home worrying about another dateless night realize how much valuable time has been entrusted to you at this time in your life. Rather than resent your many single hours, embrace them as a gift from God—a package that contains opportunities to serve Him that are limited only by your own self-pity and lack of obedience. – Lady in Waiting

1 Cor 7:34-35 “An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.”

Ps 86:11 “Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; 
give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.”

Key Word: Undivided. That is what this season of being single is for…to create in you an undivided devotion to the Lord…if that is not what you are using it for than your doing it wrong. During this season of waiting take advantage of all the time you have with not so many distractions. Take this time to discover what God has called you and start heading that direction. Get in community, a Church, small group, Bible Study, go on mission trips…get out there and do some good and ask God to show you what He called and equipped you to do for His glory. Just like we all need a vacation now and then to refocus and need a season of no distractions. Fall head over heels in love with Jesus and be whiling to go where He leads. Then when you least expect it, as you are heading that direction, eyes fixed on Jesus, There is a very good chance that God will bring someone to run along side you!!


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