We Are...

"Those who look to him are RADIANT, their faces are never covered with shame." Ps 34:5

I love when you hear a song that just says it all. Ps 34:5 (for anyone that knows me) is a verse in Scripture that I am pretty passionate about.The more I have studied it the more I have come to see that it is a picture of the Gospel, our identity in Christ, and our calling to be RADIANT in this generation for the glory of God.

I got so giddy listening to this song because it just says, and declares what Ps 34:5 is saying. That when we put our faith in Christ we take on a new identity as children of Light. We are called to reflect Christ, and shine for Him in the dark. We are the Light of the World. We are a City on a Hill.

It was just so encouraging to listen to this song as I get ready to take a group of girls to Alabama in few hours to serve at BigHouse Foundation for the day. We are called to be RADIANT!


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