Consumed With Appearance

We are fed the lie daily, not just as girls, but as a culture that it's all about appearance. We have all in some way fallen prey to the lie that if we have it all together on the outside somehow that will fix the inside. "A Lie believed at though it were truth carries the power of truth in our lives." Even if what we are believing is lie, if we believe it then it has just as much power as truth." Now, the positive side is that if we will believe the truth of what God says it has the power to demolish the lies we have believed for so long, but we have to bring those lie before God and acknowledge them to find healing. The Video below is a message from the Series "Empty Promises" from CrossPoint Church in Nashville, TN. PLEASE take the time to watch the whole message; it’s about 40 min long. The message is on the empty promise of appearance!


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