Can it be easy to wait?

So a few days ago I sent out some text messages and facebook messages to some High School/College aged girls that I know asking them two questions: If you could ask a guy anything what would you ask? And, what would want to hear a girl address or discuss? (if you have any questions, please feel free to post them).

The responses I received were so cool to read. I don’t want to give away why I asked the questions, but it was for a very good reason that one day soon, I hope I can share. One question that stood out and has been echoing in my head for a few days now is this one: “How come it is easier for some girls to patiently wait for their “right” guy and so hard for others? What makes it easier?”

My immediate thought/response was “it’s not easy.” What makes it’s “easier”, I guess you can call it that, is not allowing your lack of a romantic relationship to consume and define you. It’s all about what you are focusing on. If you stare at something long enough it’s all you’re going to see and want. I really don’t think that for some girls its easier than others. I think that some girls make the choice to wait on God and others do not. That might sound blunt, but its basically true. I know that we all have pasts, we all stuff that can temp us to toward certain decisions, but Louie Giglio said it best speaking for girls and trusting God “I can’t sit here and wait…unless I’m trusting you Lord.” I have had many tearful nights, but I have also seen over time seen the gift that this season of being single is. As girls, we are relational to our core, and most of us long for romance and that partner to do life with, but the whole idea of WAITING is not a word that people like in our society. The IDEA that "I" have to wait on something…ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! It comes down to this “Wait upon the Lord.”

Isa 30:14: Matthew Henry Commentary “Those who make God alone their confidence, will have comfort. God ever waits to be gracious to all that come to him by faith in Christ, and happy are those who wait for him.”

your discontentment comes when you are waiting on the “thing or person.” Only when you look to the Lord will you be comforted and satisfied. It is a daily thing. You do not wake up content and loving singleness…some do…I am not one of those. It is daily choice to delight in the Lord and look to Him and wait on Him. I love what Candace shared last night at Bible Study she said “we have to get to the point when we want God more than his gifts. HE IS THE TREASURE!” Waiting upon the Lord…is not this image of one sitting at a bus stop waiting for what you want to come by. Waiting is an ACTIVE thing. The lyrics from“While I’m Waiting” from the movie Fireproof says: “I’m waiting, I’m waiting on you Lord. And I am hopeful, I’m waiting on you Lord, Though it is painful, faithfully I will wait. I will move ahead bold and confident, taking every step in obedience. While I’m waiting, I will serve You, while I’m waiting, I will worship, while I’m waiting, I will not faint, I’ll be running the race, even while I wait .”

That’s what is about. Running this race of faith with the Lord and drawing near to Him and let Him be what you seek and desire above everything else…then even as you still have desire and have those longings for an earthly romance you are busy living life with the Lord Jesus and doing what you know He has called you to do. Waiting is an active thing #1.

Isa 40:31: M.H. Commentary “ Where God had begun the work of grace, he will perfect it. He will help those who, in humble dependence on him, help themselves. As the day,so shall the strength be. In the strength Divine grace,their souls shall ascend above the world. They shall run the way of God’s commandments cheerfully. Let us watch against unbelief, pride, and self-confidence. If we go forth in our own strength, we shall faint, and utterly fall; but having our hearts and our hopes in heaven, we shall be carried above all difficulties, and be enabled to lay hold of the prize of our high calling in Christ Jesus."

I love where it says “watch against…” you are going to have those times when you get discouraged and start looking around and what others have and what you don’t, but pray and ask the Lord to help you wait against the unbelief Pray for God to help you with your unbelief! The best advices I can give girls who are wondering “why is it easier for some than others?” it's not easier to wait…it’s easier to give in. Waiting on God is the more difficult of the choices, yet the most rewarding, but  requires a lot of walking by faith…but looking to Jesus to satisfy not the desire. God will meet the desires for which He created. As hard as it may be I can promise you that dating around and giving your heart away(and this doesn't just mean sex: it can be emotioanlly giving your heart away too soon or too much) to every cute guy that looks your way, hurts a lot more in the long run than waiting. I have done both! As difficult as waiting can be I would wait on the Lord any day over having my heart broken over, and over, and over again because I refused to trust in the One who holds it and knows and wants what is best!

Waiting is never easy, but what makes is almost FUN, yes I meant to say FUN, is seeing it as the gift and journey that it is. The destination of our lives as women is not marriage. The destination of our lives is the glory of God and if they is THROUGH marriage, having a family, a career…etc whatever God’s plan for you is, than thats awesome. But the goal is to live for the Glory of God and make much of Jesus Christ and spread the Gospel. I remember when this all clicked for me. It was about 3 years ago, and the Lord just showed me that, in short, "this single season I am in is a gift, I have time to serve and do things I might not have the opportunity to do ever again." Until you are ok being alone you won’t be happy with someone else. Go do things by yourself…that’s what I had to start doing. Its kind of weird at first, but just learn to be by yourself, and be can also be a gift for your humility...haha. This is all my LONG WINDED way of saying :

Waiting is not easy, but what makes it easier is when what it is your waiting on is not your focus, Jesus is!


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