Royal Priesthood

When you and I placed our faith in Christ, we became citizens of the kingdom of God (Col 1:13). With a new citizenship comes a new identity. In addition to the fact that we are "loved and chosen," 1 Peter 2:9 also tells that we are now members of a "royal priesthood." Before you freak out and think this means a life of drab clothing with a white collar, please chill. To be a member of the royal priesthood of God is not about a vocation or wardrobe; it is a title that means we are of the privileged ones who have access into His very presence. No longer are we excluded because of sin; we have a "back stage pass," so to speak, into the very throne room of God.

This makes me think of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, Prince William and Harry, and even their father, Prince Charles, and their aunts and uncles. They are apart of royalty. They have access to the Queen that no one else has. The same is true of us when we are in Christ. When we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior we become apart of the family of God, a Royal Priesthood...Princes and Princesses.

In the Old Testament, the priests serving in God's temple offered sacrifice and prayers on behalf of the people. Members of the priesthood were the only ones who could enter into the holiest place in the temple and meet with God personally. Now that privilege is bestowed upon all of God's children because of our faith in Jesus. We don't need anyone to go to God for us; we have the right and freedom to go ourselves. 

Why does the title Royal Priesthood matter? Knowing this identity with its privileged access to God, greatly influences our role as radiant women. Remember Moses? His face was radiant from the time spent in the presence of God. The same is true for us. We must spend time with Jesus, and when we behold Him--the Light of the World-- we experience the transformation that occurs simply by being with Him. Yet, if we do not intentionally enter God's presence in worship and prayer, they we don't experience that transformation.

Here's the deal, Satan know how this works. He knows full well that when you and I spend time with God our character becomes like His, thereby reflecting His glorious light to the world. Therefore, Satan does not want us to "enter in" and take advantage of our position as members of the royal priesthood.

Think about it: Have you ever tried to pray and felt bombarded by thoughts of how unworthy you are? Have you ever tried to read your Bible and felt like God was angry with you? Have you ever tried to worship and felt like you couldn't praise God for some reason? The enemy loves to play tricks on us to keep us from spending time with God. He fears our radiance. So, he tries to convince us that we are unworthy, unclean, or unacceptable to God. Our enemy would love for us to forget that we have the privilege of entering the very throne room of God.

SIDE NOTE--This is "the exercise" I do in battling against the lies and discouragment that I face. It comes with time too, as you study God's Word and discover for youself who God says you are.When you have those thoughts that come into your mind, the lies, discouragement...etc. speak them out. Say out loud what you are thinking. Half the time once you say it you realize,one; how dumb it is, and two; how untrue it is. There have been times I have been on the phone with my friend and just had to tell her the thoughts I was having as crazy as it may be just to get it I wouldn't think about it anymore. So I could realize how DUMB and UNTRUE it was. I am not saying do this to with your friends...if you have one of a few who are spiritually able to understand then that is between God, you and them. But I suggest tell God. And talking to God does not always have to be on the floor or on your knees. There have been times I was in my car and just had to say out loud to the Lord what I was thinking  so it could be shot down by His Word. It is kind of like skeet shooting. If you have never seen someone skeet shot, this is the main idea: "Skeet Shooting is a recreational and competitive activity where participants attempt to break clay disks flung into the air at high speed from a variety of angles by shotting at them"-Wikepedia. That is the main idea as well when we face times and moments of lies,fear, discouragment....speak it out (flig that lie up in the air and SHOT it down) with the truth and power of God's Word. IT WORKS!! I can testify!---

On days when I have "blown it big time," I've felt like God would reject me and wouldn't allow me to come to Him because of my sin. Believing this lie belayed my running to the cross and asking for the forgiveness that is mine because of Christ. I fell for the schemes of the devil who wanted me to run away from God instead of to God. Satan is a liar! Jesus tells us this fact in John 8:44. If we are children of God, we always have access into His presence. That access was earned for us by Jesus' death on the cross. The way was cleared for us and we are always welcomed. Check out this powerful truth in Heb 10:19-22

"Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most High Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great high priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscious and having our bodies washed with pure water."

Grab hold tightly to this life-changing truth. If you are a child of God because of Jesus Christ, then you have full access to Him. Nothing can take away your right to enter. Jesus paid the prince with His death on the cross. Can't you see how this fact can cause a girl to glow? When you are free from fear and know that you are loved, it will show on your face. Radiance is a result of a relationship with Jesus. Friends, let us believe God. Let us believe Him when He says that we are members of the royal priesthood. Run boldly to Him; we are always welcome in His presence.

Sources: "Radiant" by Marian Jordan, Wikepedia, and World Mission Outreach.

Below is a video of a team from "All for His Glory" ministries in Nicaragua w/ World Missions Outreach. This team consist of a few friends of mine who I so love and am proud of. They are being lights  for His glory there this past week. It has been bittersweet watching their videos, because I am right back there with them. I went to the same places as they did, with a similar team, so when I see the images ,as you will see, I am transported back there, I miss it. But please pray for them as tomorrow is their last full day. Praying they will radiate the Radiant One!


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