Sun Stand Still...

"Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness."- Ps 37:3.

"If God is calling you to make a big difference, he usually starts in a small way."-Steven Furtick

Have you ever been in a season when it just seems like everything and nothing is happening all at the same time? You feel like you are not making a difference at all, or maybe you passed up some really great opportunities? I am in the middle of reading a book called “Sun Stand Still” by Steven Furtick, and in one of the chapters he talks about how the small things that we think don’t make that big of a difference really do. I was really convicted when he said “I hate when people say they want to work in full-time ministry, like people who don’t somehow are part-time. If you have Christ living in you, you are in full-time ministry.” I have been SO guilty of using that phrase. Thinking that unless I was paid staff at a Church I wasn’t fulfilling my calling or something; that being on staff at a Church confirmed my call; it doesn’t.

God continually has had to remind me, and teach me what ministry is. I think I had this idea of what it was suppose to look like, and when it didn’t look how I though somehow I figured I missed the boat. There have been opportunities I have missed or not taken, but what is so amazing about the grace, mercy and sovereignty of God is that he already knew the decisions I would make before I made them and already knew what it was going to take to get me to where he wanted me. As Francis Chan said at Passion 2010 “in some ways Gods plan is like a GPS, you miss a turn and its ok, he just recalculates. He's still going to get you to the destination He had planned.”

I say all that to say God is teaching me to be faithful with what He has put in front of me, and see ministry in everyday life. Just this past Friday at work, one of my 2nds graders from last year who is now in 3rd grade, Bridgett, who comes up to me EVERYDAY and gives me hug, came up and sat beside me.What is so ironic is she is the same girl that I swear is the reason at 24  I have to color my hair now, because I found grey hairs. She has a sweet heart, but a BIG personality with some attitude and sas to match. We  had many a “come to Jesus” meetings shall me say last year. But by the end of the year she was like a little sister or what I assume a daughter would be like; and Friday she came up on the stage steps and sat buy me and leaned in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a BIG OLE' hug and said “hey Bridge.” The nickname I gave her. last one but me, according to her, calls her that. Haha. But as she sat beside me and ate her snack I felt that whisper, “this is girls ministry.” Bridge doesn’t come from the easiest family life, and if I am able to shine a little light in her life that could point her to Christ then glory to God. I pray I will do just that! I tell you that to say do not be discouraged by what may seem “little” to you.

Similar story this summer at Camp. I work at a summer camp in Canton, Ga. I have girls from ages K-5th.  Don't ask me why, but for some reason even up until this past summer "girls ministry"consisted of Middle and High School girls. During the summer I got the chance to minister to girls ages 5-11, and by the end of the summer, I am sorry to say it took me 5 wks to figure this out, it was that same whisper, "this is girls ministry. They are just as much girls at 5 as they are at 15 and 25."  How naive I had been! One more story, this past Feb at Thrive one of the girls who I had prayed with the year before about making an impact in her school for Christ had just surrendered to ministry; and when she turned around in worship we gave eachother the biggest hug; both crying and in that moment I heard that still small voice say "this is why." I could go on and on with stories that are reminding me that it is the little things that we don't think matter that really can make all the difference for the glory of God to further his Kingdom!

“Whatever you’re good at that’s your calling. The components of your assignment are the source of your significance. And therefore there are burning bushes all around you. Every teachable moment with your children, students, family, and friends is a bright spot in the making. Everywhere you set your foot is potential holy ground. And this concept is the key to effectiveness in the local church.”-Sun Stand Still

“No act of service is insignificant when done for the most significant purpose on the universe: proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.”-Sun Stand Still

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


Casey :) said…
girllll,your like a little mini beth moore :)

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