Hope IN God!!

As I sit here by the bay window in my dining room I was desperately wanted to share something. I didn’t know what though. I just said "Lord, I really want to write a blog today I just don’t know about what. I don’t know what to share." Then I went down to my room for a bit to read. As I started reading my book, I found what I wanted to share. It is a topic I talk on a lot because I know it so well…Waiting on God and putting our hope IN Him and Him alone!

What are you waiting on God to deliver? Are you setting your hope on Jesus or trusting in something or someone else to meet that need? Or perhaps, like some of my friends. You’ve decided to take matters into your own hands. Friends, hope in God. There are amazing blessings in store for those of us who do. He desires good for you. Don’t settle. Hear the Lord speak this promise to you.

“Why do you say...“my way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is disregarded by my God?” Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youth grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint.” (Isa 40:27:31)

Since it is football season, and I love football,and because my favorite movie is “Remember the Titans” I think that the boys of T.C Williams can say it better than me…

Haha…I LOVE THAT MOVIE! Anyway, trust me when I tell you that I KNOW how tempting it is to take matters into your own hands when waiting on a desire of your heart to be fulfilled. Friend, if there is one thing I know for sure from my season of singleness it’s this: God knows your hearts desires far better than we do. The last think we want is to settle for anything that is not his best for us. When we choose to hope in God, we trust that he will deliver the very best….in his way and in his timing. I could fill this blog with testimony after testimony of women and men who waited and trusted in God. He proved his faithfulness in their lives. Never settle!
My words fail to explain to you how increadibly grateful I am that God did not give me “my” plan. While I still have desires and dreams, I now see my season of singleness as an amazing blessing. I don’t know how long it will be, but I really am not that concerned. As a single girl, I’ve watched the Lord provide, protect, lead, direct, defend, and strengthen me in ways I never would have known had I been married right now. I know His eye is on me. I know His love is unfailing. I know he delivers.

Longing…for a generation of women who love and profess faith in Jesus, to actually hope in Jesus. Will we become women who hope in the Lord? Or will we continue to follow the path of the world, trusting our lives to empty and disappointing false hopes. Please don’t hear me wrong….girl can’t wait to get married and have some kids…haha…but you can’t put your hope IN those things; hoping for and hoping in are two TOTALLY different things. Even the good things…if are not careful we make idols of. God is calling us out. God is seeking a generation of women who hope in him. God is raising up his daughters “for such a time as this,” to stand as lights in this dark world; women who tell the hopeless where real hope is found. Are you and I those women? Ps 33 concludes with the anthem of ones who chooses to hope in God.

“We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.” Ps 33: 20-22 (NIV)

Below is a song by Britt Nicole called “Found by You.” I hope It becomes your prayer and it is mine for you and me!


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