Forever Reign

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame” Ps 34:5

I am in such a good place these days! I give God all the glory! The other day it hit me like a wave how blessed I am, and how grateful I am that God does not let me stay in my pits!!! I am but clay in the potters hand and there is no were else I would rather be. I can’t believe I am getting to do some of the things I am doing. But more than anything, I can truly say I really am learning what it is to delight in the Lord!!! To know Jesus more is the desire of my heart! I look back over these last few years, and am in AWE of all that God has done in me!

As I sat in small group with a dear friend I was humbled by the fact that 2 years ago I didn’t know if we would ever be friends again. I praise God he didn’t let either of use stay where we were. I am amazed at how God has just given me such a peace in this season of singleness I am in. I see it as a blessing and trust that in God’s timing and way when he wants to change it He will! I have faith that my God knows the desires of heart, and loved me enough to die for me and save me, so how much more will He give me an earthly love to bring Him glory!! I haven’t, PRAISE GOD, for awhile, seen marriage as some “goal” I have to attain; It is part of the journey, it isn’t the destination! Glory to God, I finally got that! Praise the Lord, he set me straight, and marriage is no longer the idol it use to be for me for SO long.It is now something I look forward to, but until then and even then God’s love will always be enough; To know Jesus and make Him known is the goal!! I walk by faith daily knowing God has an amazing man for me, and I look forward to the honor of being his wife and raising a family together, but even then…Jesus is what satisfies my heart and soul to the core! When I get all I need from Him, then I am able to love and serve the way I was created to!

The fact that I am getting to lead worship, teach a small group of high school girls (which P.S there is nothing I would rather do), have a job(number one) and that at that job I get to poor into little k-2nd grade lives, get to be a part of an amazing small group of friends and we are able to spur one another on in our walks with the Lord; I am a part of a great church that God is using in powerful ways in the community of Kennesaw/Acworth and in 2011 Dallas (Ga), and I have incredible friends and family. I feel more than blessed! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now with school, FINALLY, and am excited about all that God is doing, and yet to do! Glory, Glory, Glory to God! I just want to be used by you Lord, to further your Kingdom!!!

I have never been more satisfied and at peace than I am today! Jesus ,your just IT!!! I love you, and give you all the praise! Where you lead, I’ll go! I trust in You! You are ever faithful!!!! I really wish sometimes that I could better explain how far God has brought me!!! It a miracle I am not a statistic, and give God the glory for sustaining me and protecting me!

The song “Forever Reign” I heard for the first time a few weeks ago at ECHO (college/young adult worship service I go to on Thurs nights) and since then it has been the declaration of my heart! Below are just some verses that I am just standing on, and seeing God be faithful in doing what He says, and walking by faith that He has a good plan and even when my palms are sweatie and my heart is racing and I can’t see it all, I know my God does! Learning to trust in His Sovereignty and love; That he is always with me and He goes before me!!!

The reason I picked the verse at the top is because it is one that has just been coming up a lot in my heart as a reminder that Jesus Christ is who makes me beautiful, not any external thing. I had a friend write on my facebook wall the other day, and she said the sweetest thing, she said “you are beautiful.” I say that not bragging, but to say apart from Jesus Christ there is nothing beautiful about me. I'm not talking external, because "charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting." Beauty is not just the outward thing we have made it in our culture.You could be beautiful by the "world's standards" and have a ugly and sick heart. Marian Jordan said it best that without Christ she could put on all the make up,have the "perfect" body, dress in the lastest fashions, do her hair just right, but the minute she opened her mouth it didn't matter how hard she had worked on the outside the inside was ugly and dark a part from Christ. In Christ;when I look to him, only then,am I radiant!!! Thank you Jesus!!!

For we walk by faith, not by sight” 2 Cor 5:7

“Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting” Ps 126:5

“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Ps 37:4

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matt 7:7

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” 2 Tim 3:16


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