What not to wear...

I kind of just want to get this off my chest. This quote per say has been on my mind all day. A few weeks ago I as in Panama City with the girls ministry from First Baptist Canton; so of course while we were down there everyone was in their swimsuits. My new friend Lana told us something that her brother said one day. It was really more of a question…but it really got me thinking. What he said was this…I will tell it to you it in the context of Lana saying it…

“One day Taylor came in my room looking quite frustrated. He is the kind of person that when he is passionate about something he just gets going and you can’t stop him (side note: Taylor is like 18, and very cute...I won’t expect a guy like him to say this). He came in and asked me…”why do girls where two pieces? I mean they know it looks like bras and panties right? When a guy looks at you in a two piece he is not thinking, hmmm that’s a cute swimsuit…No, he thinking…hmmm she looks like she’s in bras and panties…and it cause his mind to go places... “

One of the girls said something that kind of bothered me, she said, “Well to bad, I like to wear my two pieces.”I know she was joking, but it got me thinking; I see all over the place that CHRISTIAN girls are just as bad as non Christians at not taking into consideration what they are wearing and what it is doing to guys.Non-Christian have the excuse,of not being expected to reflect Christ, but as Christians we are called to a high standard. If I sound alittle frustrated sorry..its just time for girls and women who proclaim to followers of Christ to not only act like it, but dress like it.

The group of girls I was with are amazing, and did not wear anything that was AT ALL offensive or revealing, but I know there are Christian girls out there who know exactly what they are doing, and do it anyway. And it just really bothers me. I say this with no condemnation, but with compassion, because I use to do it too in High School, but praise the Lord, I have learned that I need to dress in a way that helps my brothers in Christ not discourage them from pursuing purity. It’s hard enough on them in this world we live in today; they shouldn’t have to worry about it when they are around their sister’s in Christ. You can be stylish and cute without being revealing. Pray for wisdom in your clothes selection; God will give you the wisdom to know what to wear!I have done it,and He will! It is a very selfish mentality to say...

“I understand that what I am doing is causing you to struggle, but honestly I don’t care. I am more concerned about myself, and this is what I want to wear.”

And that is what you are saying to your brothers’ in Christ when you dress that way. Have respect for yourself…you can think and say all day long that you respect yourself and it doesn’t matter how you dress…but that is not what a guy thinks. Your worth is not found in whether you are sexually desirable or not. “…in whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God” 1 Cor 10:31. I think that includes how you dress! So next time you go to beach, or get dressed for the day, let’s think twice about what we wearing!


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