
I have about 100 things I want to write about today. I am finishing up the Ruth Study this week and it is very bitter sweet. I have thoroughly enjoyed going to the land of Bethlehem each day to see what the Lord has to show me in His Word. This morning if I were to share everything I learned we would be here all day..it terms of reading.

But as I finished up today reading about the fascinating irony of how Boaz's mother Rahab had a very similar story to Boaz's now wife Ruth, I was struck with the truth of our own stories of redemption. They both had been redeemed from their old identities; and its a picture of what we have in Christ. We are redeemed because of Jesus' blood and resurrection; and now have a new identity in Christ as children of God. I just get excited about that truth; that I am no longer defined by my old life of sin, but have been made clean and right with God through faith in Jesus Christ.

But, what is on my heart to share is something kind of simple, I guess, but profound. Last night I was listening to a song by Natalie Grant called "Safe." It quickly became my own personal prayer for myself. That I could grasp the truth that I am safe in Christ,but it also is my prayer for this generation of young ladies. That they would see and hear the truth in this song. I don't mean that would hear the song, but the message in the song I pray they would hear. This morning as I finished up my quite time, I really felt like I needed to look up every verse with the Word redemption or redeemed in it. Oh course I used my handy dandy Concordance..haha..and underneath the word redemption was reflect, and i caught my attention. So i turned to it and read it and it jumped off the pafe at me, and I immediately thought of the song "Safe."

What makes it even more amazing to me..personally...is i use to be a leader at a girls conference called Unmasked. The whole idea behind the title is the prayer that we would allow Christ to come and take away the veils that we wear, and that we would be vulnerable and real before our God! My prayer is that we would allow God to lift the veils of our hearts, and that we would rest in the truth that we are safe in God's arms. He will never let us down, He is the meakest man, but strong! AMEN! Rest in Him!!

"But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit" 2 Cor 3:16-18

and the song "Safe," by: Natalie Grant


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