A risk worth taking.

So this blog came as a result of a not so good situation. At camp today we had one of our little 5 year old girls get hurt on the inflatable slide. We won’t go into details, but she broke something. But the random thought that came to my mind was this,” I wonder if she will ever want to go on the inflatable slide again? If she comes next year will she not want to try it again out of fear of getting hurt?” All I could see was her little head shaking “NO” as one of the counselors asked her if she wants to go down the slide. Then I thought about a friend’s facebook status of all things. It said “Love is a risk.” That is so true!!

I don’t know where you are but I know that I have had my heart broken enough to know that there is always risk involved in loving someone. So many people take the risk out of being in love. We want to know that everything is going to work out; we need a “sign” or something. We have no guaranties that will not get our hearts broken or feelings hurt. If anything we are promised "we will have trouble, but that we should not fear because Christ has already overcome the world."John 16:33. We do everything we can whether it be falling in love, or making any kind of decision, we resist taking risks. We get hurt really bad one time and then out of fear, never try again. We never allow God to tend to those wounds, and heal us. We can’t assume that every situation is going to turn out like the last one. We have to trust in our faithful and sovereign God.

I was talking to one of the other counselors this week about what she should major in while in college. The same thought came to mind that sometimes we just have to try and see. There are something’s that we do not get to do a "trial and error" test with, like marriage for instance; but things like majors, and jobs, where to serve in our church etc, its ok to try new things and see what works and what doesn’t. Sometimes you don’t know if your’ good at something until you try. Through trial and error I have learned what I’m good at and what I’m not. I’ve learned where I can work and serve and where it’s better for all involved if I’m not there.

This is kind of a blog of getting thoughts down, but I hope that I’m making just a little since. All this to say, take risks. Don’t allow the hurts of your past to effect the risks you do or don't take in the future. We need to lay our hurts and wounding down at the feet of Jesus, and let Him heal us. Then go and live life for the glory of God, and there is about a 100% chance that it will involve risk. It may be marriage, parenting, a certain job or calling, witnessing to a friend or family member…etc. Whatever it is, it will be a risk worth taking if it for the glory of God, and to know Christ more and make Him known!

"This could be one of those memories
We're gonna hold on too, cling too, the one we can't forget
Baby this could be our last first kiss, the dawn of forever
What if this was that moment, that chance worth taking
History in the making" -Darius Rucker


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