Live Life

Yesterday was my birthday and according to my birth certificate I am now the ripe ole’ age of 24. But I don’t think that is so. In my mind I am still at least 18 and should not have any kind of responsibility handed to me. Today I was out shopping with my gift cards in hand and for whatever reason I got to thinking; if I could tell girls anything, what would I tell them? Then I thought of what I would say “LIVE LIFE!”

That thought revolutionized my life 3 years ago. I was reading a book titled “Lady in Waiting” and it was through that book that God made it clear I needed to be living my life not waiting around for a guy to come along before I do something. I needed to live my life. Seek first the Kingdom of God, not seek first the perfect GPA, or Marriage, or popularity, status…you get the idea. Seek first Christ!

When I was 18 I was at Big Stuf Camp (and yes Stuf is spelt right, that is how they spell it), and I remember sitting on the edge of my chair as Louie Giglio told us, “Do you want to know your purpose in life?” Then he said something that forever changed my life. “Your purpose is to live for the glory of God!” That was it. That was, and is my purpose, to do whatever I do, for the glory of God. That is why I am here!!! Everything since then is sifted through that truth; is this bringing God glory?

That truth combined with the revelation, LIVE LIFE, has changed the way I do things. The goal of our lives as women is not to get married. The goal of our lives is to live for the glory of God. To know Christ and makes Him known. If you can do that through marriage, motherhood, teaching, being a doctor, photographer, whatever it is God has called you to do, do it all for His glory.
Stop sitting around and waiting for things to just happen. What do you enjoy? What are y our passions and dreams? What is something you have always wanted to try? Live Life! Meet new people! You don’t always have to have 5 other people with you to do something.

I remember deciding last year that I wanted to go to Catalyst Conference. I had never been and wanted to check it out. So I applied to volunteer and went, never thinking that it was’t normal to go to stuff like that by yourself. When people would ask me who I came with I would say “no one.” I remember saying that one day and the guy sitting next to me said, “That is Awesome!”

I also remember going to ECHO a (College Worship Service) by myself, and the speaker that night said, in joking, most people are not going to just come into something this big my themselves and sit down by someone they don’t know. And there I was doing that very thing.
I remember a time my junior year in High School when my biggest fear, at the time, was doing anything alone. One day the friends I was sitting with at lunch wanted to go get more food. I wasn’t hunger, and we needed someone to hold our table. To there I sat alone, for all of 5 min I’m sure, but it felt like an eternity. From that point forward, it happened a few more times, until it no longer bothered me.

We have to go live our lives; if there are 10 people who want to go the same way, awesome, but if not, don’t choose to not do something because your friends are not. NOW, BE SMART! I’m not saying do whatever you want. But with God figure out what your dreams and desires are. How are you wired? Etc.

In 2009 I decided I wanted to go on a Mission trip, so looked for ones to go on that matched my desire to minister to children. Found one, signed up, and low and behold found out one my best friends Matt was going to. God provided the friend. I also became close with the people on my team. The Lord provided the money, and in December I went to Nicaragua. More times than not now, when I go to things I run into someone I know. The more opportunities you take the more people you meet, then you’ll find when you go to things, your are not alone long. But, the fact that you were willing to go willing to go, it’s cool to see how God will always provide what you need!

I don’t want you to hear me saying…HEY LOOK AT ME! That is not it! What I want you to hear is a girl who is learning daily to just live and rest in Christ. I never want to speak down, but I am one with you, a fellow sojourner. I just know that for me this was life changing. Just LIVE YOUR LIFE, and LIVE IT FOR THE GLORY OF GOD, and everything will fall into place the way it is suppose to. Not that there is not work involved, but the Lord will lead and guide you as you seek Him and live to bring Him glory!

I hope this made some since!! It was just on my heart to share. GO out and live life!!! Don’t sit around waiting for some “moment” before you get up and go!

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Cor 10:31


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