What I recommened...

The Bible #1, hands down, is my favorite book. It's not just a book as God clearly tells us in 2 Tim 3:16 and Heb 4:12. But I love reading,and there a few books and studies that God has used to profoundly change and challenage me. Each of these books/studies/devotional represent a season or seasons in my life. God will meet you and I where we are at. I love how God always tells us, In love, what we need to hear.

Again,God can speak to us in many different ways, but if we don't know Scripture we won't know its' Him speaking. So #1 I recommened you read, study and fall in love with God through His Word! That is our Heavenly Father speaking to us. He is inviting you and I into a dialogue. So I recommened that #1, then I recommened these books/studies/devotionals as tools in your walk with Jesus Christ.


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