Unfailing Love

Unbelief is one of the hardest obstacles in a woman’s heart. Doubts and fears lead some women to control and others to despair but both types of women are plagued by unbelief. So many women who are redeemed by the grace of Jesus Christ struggle with fear because they doubt God’s goodness, and wonder if his intentions for them are good.
I so understand! At one point in my Christian walk, I, too, struggled with the same doubt. Though I experienced salvation and I knew my sins were forgiven, still, I wrestled with believing that God loved me. Not global God love, but that he loved me, just me. So, this kind of doubt made it difficult to hope in God, because frankly, I didn’t trust that God really gave a flip about me. Our Enemy loves to play this card; he absolutely hates when a child of God is confident in his love for her.
Picture a 3 yr old little girl standing at the edge of a swimming pool. Her favorite floaties tossed aside. It’s just her, the big pool, and Daddy in the water standing a frightening two feet away. Her fear is great…especially without the security of her floaties. She stands at the edge, eyeing the water just inches below, when her daddy says, “Come on, sweetheart. Jump to me. I’ll catch you.” She hesitates . And then, with all the might her little body can muster, she propels herself into her father’s arms, her feet skimming the water along the way.

Do you know what happened in that split second she hesitated? She asked herself these questions: Does my daddy love me? Will my daddy catch me? Can I trust him? Her answer was’t said in words, but in a leap, the leap from the safety of the ledge to the security of her daddy’s arms. She hoped he would catch her because she believed he loved her. As one of my favorite Scriptures says, “There is not fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18). When we understand how perfect God’s love for us is, then our fears and our doubts are banished in light of the truth.

The miracle of our hope in Jesus is that we become children of God. Now, we are not the recipients of only grace but also his fatherly love, care and provision….the women who hopes in God believes her identity as a child of God; loved, chosen, called, empowered, equipped, protected, sealed, shielded, and blessed. The Father’s love for you is unfailing. Don’t allow unbelief to keep you from the confident assurance that is yours as a daughter of the King.

“We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.” Ps 33:20-22 NIV

-Via : "The List" by: Marian Jordan


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