THS: Think before you act

"Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean. For if your brother is grieved by what you eat, you are no longer walking in love. By what you eat, do not destroy the one for whom Christ died. So do not let what you regard as good be spoken of as evil. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.”Romans 14:13-18

So tonight I can’t sleep. Luckily there is something interesting on T.V. You never know what you are going to find on T.V at 2:38am! But tonight there is something good, E! THS: Investigating: Cheerleading. Anytime there is anything on T.V about cheerleading I have to watch it. I use to be a cheerleader when I was in Elementary School, I also took Gymnastics in Middle School and Danced at Bravo Studio in High School and my freshman year in High School I took a Dancing class for my Physical Education classes; which by the way, the final was to performs a choreographed dance in front of the whole school…oh yeah. Also in Middle School (my best friend can attest) I loved to dance, her too. I learned all the Britney Spears' dances (and I’m not joking) as well as some J-Lo, Janet Jackson, Nsync, and the list continues. The love of dance and routines runes deep.

As I watch and hear all these different stories of cheerleaders, the good,the bad and the ugly, one story stood out. It was about the Standards for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Have you ever watched the show Making the Team: Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders? It is my guilty pleasure. Whenever it is on, and I am home, and I know it’s on, I watch it. The Director of The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, Kellie Finglass, cracks me up. She is so tough on the girls. She knows what she wants and what is expected of a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. During this particular interview for E! She was talking about all the standards she expects, a lot of them have to do with being in shape (not gonna lie) , She said “if it jiggles, or shakes get ride or it.”But one of the girls was talking about some of things that are expected of a DCC, “No smoking or drinking in or out of uniform, no flirting or fraternizing with the players. You never know who will see you. If someone sees you out and asks if you are Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, you want to be representing the name well.”

This made me think of something I have said many a time, and is a standard that I have, and believe as followers of Jesus Christ we need to have. When we become a Christian we become new creation, we become a child of God. Christ comes to dwell in us. We are now the temple of God. In you and I dwells the Holy Spirit; it’s just like when you get married and you take your husbands’ last name, so do we take on the name bride to Jesus Christ, a Child of the Almighty God.

The Bible is clear about leading others to sin. If my actions cause you to sin, or I think that it will I don’t need to be doing it. I have heard it so many times and it's frustrating, when people say; well it’s ok for “me” to drink, or for “me” and “my” boyfriend or girlfriend to act this way in public. I am going to try and think of a nice way to say this, but I think I'm just going to have to be frank on this one, sorry. IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU, AND WHAT YOU ARE ENTITLED TO! There I said it. It may not be a big deal for you for you to do whatever it is you are doing, but you need to think of others and the example you are setting. A beer might not be a big deal to you, but it could be to someone else. You don't want to blow your witness on account of pride.

This is a BIG one for me, PDA (Public Displays of Affection). Lord help my not vent!!! Here is the thing; I love affection just as much as the next girl. Now don’t hear me wrong, I’m saying a little kiss in public is wrong or a hug…etc. It’s just all in timing and how you do it, and how much. I have gone to the movies with friends who can’t keep their hands… I take that back, hands, and legs to themselves. GIRLS,GIRLS,GIRLS, when your legs are ALL UP in his lap he ain’t thinkin about no movie, I promise. I guess since I've served in student ministry, I see girls I have worked with everywhere. Kennesaw is a little town. Whenever I have led a small group, or taught a Bible Study the subject that always comes up is purity. I just always think, I need to act in a manner that if one of my girl saw me I wouldn’t be embarrassed with how I was acting.

Again, I’m not saying don’t hold hands, I’m saying your actions should not cause others to sin or stumble. We need to think of those around us before we act, and think about who we represent. We are Co-Heirs with Christ. So we need to think before we act. We need to build our brothers and sister up in Christ not tear them down, whether with words or actions. My friend and I came up with a saying on a mission trip. Whenever people make the excuse for their over abundances of physical affection...I want to express again, I am not talking down about love languages, or PDA, believe me I like a good hug in public or when I am married or even dating and engaged a little sneak kiss isn’t bad, and holding hands is sweet…UNLESS, you are in worship. KEEP YO HANDS TO YOURSELF. You are there to worship, sit on opposite sides of the room if you need to. As I say to my 2nd graders, “don’t make me separate you. “ Anyway, the saying we came up with was, if you came to me and said; “well Brittney, I can’t help it, my love language is touch.” You know what I say, “you also have a spirit of self-control.”

I say all this to make you think about who you are representing, in how you dress, talk, and act…etc. I know I have to remember this when It comes to what I say, and my attitude. I need to remember who I represent. I am here to live for the glory of God. To know Jesus and make Him known ;same with you. Just think before you act. If someone asked you if you were a Christian, and you said yes, you want to be able to carry and represent that well.


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