
Friday morning I went to Lifeway to buy the members book for the study we are doing in our college girls bible study. As I was waiting in line there was a lady and her son in front of me. She had a basket full of wedding planning stuff, and her son was looking at books on the shelf next to me. One of the books was “a toddlers first bible” it had pictures and words, you know like you see in kids bibles. I am a observer, so of course, discreetly..haha I was watching the little boy flip through the pages. He was probably around 6 or 7 yrs old. I find so much joy in seeing kids read the bible. He was reading it kind of out loud, but no one else could hear him except his mom and me I think..haha. As he was reading he came to the page about Jesus dying on the cross. I listened as he read, just the name Jesus makes my heart jump, in a good way; so to hear him read it just made me grin. He was on that particular page for awhile, then he walked over to his mom and asked her, “mom do you know who that is?” pointing to the picture of Jesus on the cross, and she said “no…” and the little boy replied “Jesus!” Then he just walked back over to the shelf and looked at the book a little longer and then put it back. He walked over to his mom to tell her he was reading the bible…after a min or too…he goes… “I think I want to go read some more.” I laughed to myself thinking, God is that how you want us to be? Once we discover who you are, and we begin to read your word, as your children we should want more of you. not be afraid to just go ask people. “do you know who this is?” The mom made me kind of mad, because she wouldn’t let him go read more of THE BIBLE, for cryin out loud, if my 6yr old wanted to read anything, especially The Bible I would be like, lets buy that thing! Why would you discourage a kid from reading, I don’t care if you’re in a hurry or a bad mood! I wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but I thought it best not to. One, we were in Christian book store, and my friends Travis was one of the cashiers that day, so he would have seen it, and given me a hard time later...probably wouldn’t have been the best place to be opinionated…haha. But, anyway, what the little boy demonstrated was that child like faith, and innocent love of Jesus we have when we first come to know Him. We have to get back to that simple faith, at least I know for me, and praying that when it comes to God’s Word I can’t get enough, as that little boy so innocently put it, like he was going back for seconds, “ I think I want to go read some more.” I want to not be able to get enough of you Lord!


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