A Surprise Awaits You

I read this, this morning from "The Owner Manual for Christians" By: Charles Swindoll and wanted to share it with everyone. I know it challanged me!!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,And do not lean on your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge Him,and He will make your paths straight.Do not be wise in your own eyes;Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body, and refreshment to your bones." Proverbs 3:5-8

Surprise waits you:

"Surrender results in surprises we would never otherwise experience."

"The greater the struggle to surrender, the greater the surprise."

I urge you, release your grip. Surrender it all to God, including your anxiety. If you still have your emotions wrapped around some issue involving a possession, a job or role, a particualr expectation for the future, or a relationship, you aren't fully relying on God. As long as you fail to surrender to Him, you're holding on to anxiety. STOP! LET IT GO! You're delaying the surprise God has waiting for you. Peter Marshall, the late chaplain of the U.S Senate. concludes a message on anxiety titled "The Sin in Present Tense" with this prayer. I leave it with you to make it your own...

"Forgive us, O God, for the doubting suspicion with which we regard the heart of God. We have faith in checks and banks, in trains and airplans, in cooks, and in strangers who drive us in cabs. Forgive us for our stupidity, that we have faith in people who we do not know and are so reluctant to have faith in thee who knowest us altogether.We are always striving to find a complicated way through life when Thou hast a plan, and we refuse to walk in it. So many of our troubles we bring on ourselves, How silly we are. Wilt Thou give us that faith that we can deposit in the bank on Thy love, so that we may receive the dividends and interests that Thou art so willing to give us. We ask it all in the lovely name of Jesus Christ,Our Savior


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