God knew what i needed to hear!

April 6,2008

"God will never ask you to wait without giving you a promise, and God will never ask you to wait without there being purpose." Jeanne Stevens

I was watching 722 and the message was on waiting, something i defiantly needed to hear about, and that quote is what jumped out to me. That when God is waiting or asking me to wait, its not without a promise of He will be faithful and He will not ask me to wait without there being purpose in the waiting. Sometimes God does His most transforming work in our lives during the waiting process. I know that is true of my life. The times when God has worked in my life the most is during the waiting. My favorite saying by Louie Giglio is "Trust is not a passive thing, its an active thing." waiting on God is an active thing. As i wait and trust in God i need to be doing what He has asked me to do today. "Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness" Proverbs 37:3. While waiting on God i need to be faithful now and trust in His Faithfulness and in who He is!! i still need to continue to see Him with "all my heart,soul,mind,and all my strength." never let the waiting be something that draws you away from God let it be something that draws you to God!

"May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ perseverance." 2 Thess 3:5.


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