Delight in Me, Dear Bride to be...

This is a poem the Lord wrote on my heart Nov 5,2009. I was having a rough night(lets just say that) and praying and just seeking the Lord for comfort! I started reading a poem Beth Moore wrote around the time she got married...from that, the Lord wrote these words on my heart. I grabbed my journal and began writing the words that were tugging at my heart!

 I don't want you to think I sit around and cry about not being married..haha..thats not it all! I am so satified in the Lord, he is more than enough, but there are still desires and longings in my heart and sometimes the waiting gets hard! I am the first one to say God's idea of waiting in not what we think when we think waiting! Ps 37 speaks of an active waiting! Living life! Running the race! Go do some good! But, there are some times at home in the quite of the night that those unmet desires just hurt! Doesn't change the fact that the Lord is the one who fills me up and satisfies my heart! I am not one to write poetry so the fact that this came out of me, I know wasn't me.  Everytime i read it, its just a reminder to just keep waiting on the Lord, He is faithful!!!

*** Delight in Me, Dear Bride to Be ****
Delight in me with all your heart
And trust me when I say
I am more than enough my dear
Don’t ever look away
I put desires in your heart
And as you wait for me
I will be faithful and do what I say
As you delight in me
No matter how great, how tall, how fine
I am the King of Kings
You’re my daughter in whom I delight
Not just anyone can have this heart of yours
So trust me in the waiting, I know that it is hard
You have been faithful, and waited on the Lord
I know that you aren’t perfect, that there has been times of doubt
But I don’t count your sins against you my child, my love, my bride
I wish you could see just how much I love you.
I am your Father, you are my Child
Not just anyone gets your heart my love
He has to search it out
He has to be so lost in me
So that He may find you
Just as your heart needs to be lost in me
So that you may see him too
I have a plan my dear
Trust me when I say
The waiting will be worth it
On that special day
That I can already see dear one
When your eyes will lock and see
each other for the first time
As the one from Me
I know that you have waited
I know that its been hard
I have seen every tear you’ve cried
And held you in my loving arms
The day is coming soon my love
But be still now and know
Delight in Me your Lord and Savior
Rest in who I AM
That time is coming Dear, I promise
Have yourself ready, but don’t keep looking here and there
Enjoy where I have you, and seek me above all else
The day you say I DO will be a celebration in deed
But enjoy right now my dear, delight in me 


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